this evil ...wicked.....rotton system of things.....NOT!!!!.........

by oompa 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    I wonder what would happen if anyone that thinks today is the worst time ever were to find out what the First Dark Ages was like. Everything that the Washtowel Slaveholdery tells us is wrong now was even worse then--you were owned by a master, who also owned everything you had.

    Given half a chance, the Washtowel Slaveholdery would seize ownership of everyone and everything, and then force everyone to believe their lies. That would plunge the world into the Second Dark Ages, and the "new order" would be even worse than the First Dark Ages.

  • Heaven

    I keep telling my wife the same thing but she is blinded by the JW's brainwashing..

    Quirky1 ... yes, I've seen this in my family as well. When all you read and listen to is WTS mis-information, you're not going to have a proper perspective. With your wife, perhaps you could show her some of the torture devices they used during the Spanish Inquistion in the 1400s:

    They're disgusting! I'm so glad I wasn't born back then, because I'm SURE I'd have been deemed 'a heretic'. I'll take 'wordly' thank you very much!

    darth frosty... right on! What you focus on expands. I saw this with my Mum especially once I left home and started working. Every time we'd visit it was 'everything is bad'. I told her there is much good too so try to focus on that instead of the bad. The WTS is focusing on the wrong stuff.

    DeanO... you sound just like my Mum used to sound. She's dead now. She never saw Armageddon either. If you think things are so bad, what are your suggestions and plans on fixing them? Handing out magazines? I know more non-JWs actually DOING something to fix things than any JW I've ever known. I think helping to feed people, helping people obtain employment, helping people who are down on their luck is exponetially more helpful than handing someone a magazine and telling them that God will fix it all 'soon', 'very shortly', 'imminently'. God helps those who help themselves. Focusing on all the bad is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Good luck with it.

  • oompa

    Damm this thread did not go how i expected............oompa

  • PrimateDave

    I get this from my mom when we talk on the phone. We'll talk about some problem on the world scene, and she'll say that men can't solve these problems. Well, yes and no. Yes, there are some problems that have such inertia that humanity will never solve. And, no, these are not because we live in a "wicked, rotten system of things under Satan's control."

    She knows I no longer believe, but she still talks to me. I love her for that. I feel sorry for her that she is caught up in this Watchtower inspired mindset and can't see that the Big Picture of the World is a very complicated one. To quote Paul Simon,

    It was a slow day
    And the sun was beating
    On the soldiers by the side of the road
    There was a bright light
    A shattering of shop windows
    The bomb in the baby carriage
    Was wired to the radio
    These are the days of miracle and wonder
    This is the long distance call
    The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
    The way we look to us all
    The way we look to a distant constellation
    Thats dying in a corner of the sky
    These are the days of miracle and wonder
    And dont cry baby, dont cry
    Dont cry

    It was a dry wind
    And it swept across the desert
    And it curled into the circle of birth
    And the dead sand
    Falling on the children
    The mothers and the fathers
    And the automatic earth
    These are the days of miracle and wonder
    This is the long distance call
    The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
    The way we look to us all
    The way we look to a distant constellation
    Thats dying in a corner of the sky
    These are the days of miracle and wonder
    And dont cry baby, dont cry
    Dont cry

    Its a turn-around jump shot
    Its everybody jump start
    Its every generation throws a hero up the pop charts
    Medicine is magical and magical is art
    The boy in the bubble
    And the baby with the baboon heart

    And I believe
    These are the days of lasers in the jungle
    Lasers in the jungle somewhere
    Staccato signals of constant information
    A loose affiliation of millionaires
    And billionaires and baby
    These are the days of miracle and wonder
    This is the long distance call
    The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
    The way we look to us all
    The way we look to a distant constellation
    Thats dying in a corner of the sky
    These are the days of miracle and wonder
    And dont cry baby, dont cry
    Dont cry

    Dean, I appreciate your attempt at bringing a bit of balance to the discussion. You are quite right to point out that the benefits of living in the "here and now" are not evenly nor universally shared by all humans. Please understand that most former Witnesses on this forum come from the wealthier nations of the world. We see the special irony of Witnesses complaining about this "wicked system of things," many of whom enjoy wealth and prosperity like none of their ancestors ever could have imagined. They are like obese people sitting down to a buffet dinner only to complain about the price of food and the "wickedness" of the restaurant owner!


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    I also appreciate your attempt at bringing balance to the discussion. We Americans are a very insular society. Unfortunately, very few of us do any travel outside of the US and when we do most of us go to other developed 1st World countries or fancy resorts catering to Americans.

    I don't know a lot about Africa but my daughter has spent about 11 weeks in Cambodia in the last couple of years. The story there is just as bleak as what you have written about in some AFrican countries. Poverty that is hard for us to fathom, absolutely no medical care to speak of, very high crime and women and children are treated below the level of animals. Prostitution is the only job that many females can even hope to find. And many, many, many children as young as 5 are sold into prostitution by their PARENTS!

    Life has not gotten better in Cambodia over the last 40+ years it has gotten much, much worse.

    Wake up people.

  • reniaa

    The enjoyment of life that America and England enjoy is that of being in the top 10 percent of rich countries. we are the top of the capitalist dream. The recession recently showed there is movement as countries like china etc are becoming richer.

    Matthew 19:24
    Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

    Africa isn't the only country suffering terribly but it is suffering in terrible ways.


    For a lot of years the Lord Resistance Army have made the region a no-go for travelers. The LRA are known for being the most evil, cold blooded murders on the planet. And it is good to mention that they force children to murder their own family members as part of the indoctrination.


    Niger is the world's second most poor country. It is a famine stricken country and there are hundreds of people dying everyday due to malnutrition. The horror is not of being murdered or raped, but it is seeing all these children being starved to death, unless food aid arrives soon.

    It's to easy to be blinkered because we are safe and happy with food in our bellies but the thread poster should maybe do some research outside of his cushy life.

  • Scott77


    There is no Walmart store in Africa. So that guy who stole from it is presumed to be here i n US.


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