The rules of flame wars.

by Mindchild 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    dear Redwhores.. Redhorsewoman,

    please accept this undeserve.. unreserved apology. It were right low and unmanly for me to leap from the brush and abuse a delicate and high born maiden so. This apology has nothing whatever to do with mindchilds firm grip squeezing mightily upon this gruff and loutsome brut's wedding tackle.

    sorely sorrowful, uncleabuse

  • RedhorseWoman

    My dearest UncleBruce. No need to apologize. I wasn't listening to you in the first place. I KNOW I'm right, and after I state my point, there is no need to repeat it, explain it, or otherwise belabor it.

    DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THIS? Good. Thank you.

    Oh, and BTW, spelled *&*#(@&)) incorrectly. Please remember this next time.

  • unclebruce

    There you go again swaggering wench! Galloping in here prancing with tail swooshing high. Plump fine wobbling arse and creamy white thigh cheeks might distract lesser men but I'm made of much firmer stuff i tell you! Now go work your womanly mischief elswhere .. you .. you WOMAN! .... ooo nice legs and pleny of 'em .. may i call you red?


  • DannyBear


    This conversation between Redhorse, Woman and Unlce, has had a peculiarly arousing effect on this Bearass.

    All this talk about 'squeezing mightily on some loutsome's wedding tackel', remembering RHW infamous 'mounting block'...makes one wonder about what's going on here, down under over there in the bush.

    Now Uncle as to your leaping from the brush to abuse a high born maiden, me thinks you know not whom you assault.

    Perhaps you are unware of RHW's true position in the realm. Better go 'bone up' before castigating assperstions. Then again a bone up is all that may be required?


  • DannyBear

    ps 'Swaggering Wench' you are sumpin else my friend!!!!!!


  • Abaddon

    I know that this behaviour is duplicated on other types of board BUT;

    ... as xJW's we are very prone to arguing like propellers... what does 'arguing like a propeler' mean...? Step into one and find out...!

    We were taught;


    We have removed the JW bit, or most of us have, so subconsciously we still have elements of;


    ... in out world view. An opinion in not just an opinion, it is a moral stance.

    Also, as JW's, we picked up the 'can never be wrongs'.

    Do you think you can be a member of an Organisation which has, I think ONCE, in its history, acknowledged it may have got something slightly wrong (the rest of the time they were right at the time bu now is a new time with a new right, oh holy new light), and not have this rub off?

    We also have 'disagree=bad', for anyone who disagrees with the Borg is bad, and we just pick up the habits...

    Obviously neverJW's have 'right=good', 'disagree=bad' and 'never wrong' as parts of their personality, just as xJW's do, but I think we have more of it, and not only am I right, I'm good, you're bad just because you disagree with me as I cannot be wrong, okay?

    Oh yeah, another factor is many JW's have the social skills of a stoat, and just sticking an x in front of the JW does not change this, you humongous bunch of turds.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • unclebruce

    ROTFL @ Abaddon's "arguing like a propeller"

    I enjoy everything you write Abaddon, cheers.

    arms flayling but not providing any forward motion, unclebruce.


  • unclebruce
    Perhaps you are unware of RHW's true position in the realm. Better go 'bone up' before castigating assperstions. Then again a bone up is all that may be required?

    SirDannybear O loutish knight! .. wouldst thou shame all Christian chivalry to speak of the shy virgin in so pox a way? Then take this! (and delivered a slap so hard did i that bigbear fell back on his arse legs raised high to the heavens, love trunchen clearly visable to God and all his angels) Now be on your way quarrelsome fellow lest we with great vigour and invention offer harm and insult back and forth until dusk sees us panting and weary with the exercise and not a woman in sight.


  • patio34

    Uncle Bruce,
    This is my 1st post to you, so how do you do. . .

    You have outdone yourself on this thread. The 'wedding tackle' and the slapping exercise till evening and not a woman in sight are priceless. This is the funniest stuff I've ever seen on this board.

    Please, do continue. You've given me my healthy laughs for the morning!


  • WildHorses

    "I think a better post would've addressed he reason why these threads tend to bother ppl so much, when all they have to do is ignore them in the first place."

    bigboi, that is easier said then done. You never really know what is written in a post until you actually open it. After that, it's to late.

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

    Eleanor Roosevelt

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