What were you going to (wait to) do in the new system?

by Kudra 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    I was reading on JWR a thread that linked to these funny Indian music videos that weere "subtitled" in english (very funny if you have seen them...) and the thread author was like, "After Armageddon if I get resurrected I'm totally going to direct Indian music videos"

    Which is all sorta beside the point, but prompted me to think back and try to recall what exactly I planned to do in the new system. you know- we all had those things we really wanted to do but were going to "wait until the new system to..." do whatever.

    So: are you actually doing those things now, or were they totally unrealistic and fairytale type stuff like "riding a tiger up Mt Everest and snowboarding down"?? (I got that off of a FB app called "which Kingdom Hall Asshole are you?")

  • mraimondi

    what i was doing all along, just forever...

    wasnt really that concerned about the new system as a witness.

  • flipper

    KUDRA- I'm basically doing NOW what I did as a witness in reality. I loved to backpack and hike in the mountains as a witness- I do it still. And probably would have done it in the " alleged paradise ". I was pretty much a free independent thinker as a JW - I listened to my Led Zeppelin music dammit as a witness - and I'm sure I would have listened to Led Zeppelin in the paradise as well ! Unlike some witnesses I tried not putting my life on hold when I was a JW - and I got put down for that independent thinking ! Hey- but wifey and I are happy so it's all good

  • villabolo

    Get married and have sex. Isn't that sad?

  • lalaa

    I never really thought of what I would do in the new system. All I wanted to do was get a car and fornicate with hot guys.

  • jaguarbass

    I was going to grow up in the new system.

    Because Armegedon was supposed to come in 1975.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Kick ass in basketball and football. I was once told we would have superhuman athletic abilities in the new system.

  • Brocephus

    Hey lalaa I have a car!!!

  • oompa

    live on a sailing yacht and tour every inch of this beautiful water filled world.........oompa

    and i was hoping for at least 4 concubines on board

  • Lillith26

    This is one of the sadest things I ever heard one lady at my local KH say..."In the new system, my husaband and I will be able to have children".As a mother I could not imagine my life without my babies! Not raised a JayDub, I was brought up to believe that if you cant have any of your own, there are plenty of children out there who dont have parents at all and could do with a loving family. I mentioned this to her and I could visibly see the grief behind her trained smile. She is still in and a very active pioneer- I miss her- my children could do with an Aunty as nice as her!

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