Is Being Disfellowshipped or Disassociated All That Bad?

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    It all depends how each individual perceives and comprehends the situation, if the person starts to evaluate the

    separation from the JWS as a viably good thing based off of what they're teachings, then that person will gain

    emotional and psychologically in a maturing way. On the other hand if the person still believes that the teachings

    are correct and fruitful then psychologically there is a chain around that persons mind and its connected directly to

    the Kingdom Hall . After I was DA I sought out different information other than what I was spoon fed all my life

    and I found out that the WTS wasn't correct about many of the things they were saying and

    I could see the potential harm that it was causing people among my own family and friends.

    Of course there's the situation of people being DF and creating a great division and separation within the family,

    that to me is a terrible wrong thing to occur for all concerned.

    Religion to me is a terrible direction to guide one's life with particularly in this day and age where there

    are so many other avenues of possibilities that could be used and applied. Trying to emulate the social morals of ancient cultures

    that were established thousands of years ago is truly a human folly and is both inwardly and outwardly detrimental toward mankind living today.

  • hamsterbait

    IT IS THE EXPECTATION OF MISERY AND LONELINESS, that frightens many on this board to keep quiet about their doubts and sheer non-belief.

    Min - do you think being DF is so bad? If not put all your personal info up and find out for yourself!


  • ablebodiedman

    Yes, It is bad however, I also jumped for joy when I left the Kingdom Hall for the last time after my disfellowshipping.

    I am now "outside the camp" being shunned and reproached by those who are still inside:

    Hebrews 13

    12 Hence Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. 13 Let us, then, go forth to him outside the camp, bearing the reproach he bore, 14 for we do not have here a city that continues, but we are earnestly seeking the one to come.

    I was disfellowshipped because I began voicing my concerns over how the JW Baptismal Vows had been altered and yet Jesus Christ said his baptismal command was to be in place right up to the conclusion of this system of things.

    I explained that Jesus Christ must be distressed over people who presumptously change his commandments.

    And yes my conviction over Jesus Christ's baptism causes divisions right down to the family unit level.

    Luke 12

    49 “I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lighted? 50 Indeed, I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and how I am being distressed until it is finished! 51 Do YOU imagine I came to give peace on the earth? No, indeed, I tell YOU , but rather division. 52 For from now on there will be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against [her] mother, mother-in-law against [her] daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against [her] mother-in-law.”

    I am convinced that the Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipping procedure is prophetic!


    Watch this video:

    In Christ (outside the camp)


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    A shining example of the ignorance that JWS profess in their very self serving ways, is listening and reading Ablebodiedman's words .

    Firstly why would anyone with a bit of common sense and intelligence take in any of the WTBS. information regarding end time

    doctrines, since they professed so many wrong and false dates and sold them to the public. You would think that they would be the last

    group of people to go to gain incite on this subject. The term Prophesying for Profits gets used and is applicable with these corrupt morons.

    Old Abe has also forgotten that he's using the old laws from the ancient Israelites which were laid down from the old covenant, before Christ was born

    and a new covenant was established. Yes Abe and they also killed people that got caught working on the sacred day of the Sabbath too.

    When men derive and establish power out using human fear and ignorance as the men of the WTS. have done you can be fully assured that

    there will be damaging effects on to people's minds and personal lives. Exploitation and manipulation is what created the WTS. or JWS and this will most

    likely will be their undoing.

  • sammielee24

    Sadly, think about it this way.

    When many people die or are dying, what do they seek most? Comfort and security, some little bit of safety and a feeling of being loved or cared for, a little piece of feeling that someone somewhere cared about you as a person, as a human, as a child or a father or a sister. When people say they have been in accident and face possible death, they often say their family flashed before their eyes..they thought of leaving their babies alone without them. When people go to war, they write home to keep a connection to someone who knew them - who in some way honors their being alive. A person who has died and come back, often talks about seeing a family member at that time.

    This is why family is so important....we connect at all levels with them and as humans we seek, even crave, a feeling of 'mattering' to someone..and that is usually a family.

    When the WTS forces the dissolution of a family, it creates a tremendous amount of baggage, isolation and trauma for many people, because not only do they force the disassociation of your real, biological family - it forces the disassociation from your KH family as well. It forces people to behave in ways unnatural for many and then to adapt to that bizarre way of thinking or die.

    People often call out in times of trouble for their mother or their father because that's the bond of stability from their birth, that's the link to this earthly world....when most people are dying they aren't calling out for a governing body member or for the pope...they say there is no atheist in a foxhole....a lot of men in those foxholes might have been saying God help us...but they were also carrying a picture of their beloved in their pocket and remembering that face as they lay dying in waste deep mud with rats scrambling at their feet. sammieswife.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Disfellowshipping / casting out / shunning / excommunication are all decisive control mechanisms that are used by religious groups on to individuals who

    are associated with these organizations and who aren't obeying or acting indifferently to the leaderships power and headship and the rules of

    conduct that have been created by them. Power in men's hands becomes useless and weak unless there are preconceived arrangements to hold onto that power,

    disfellowshipping is just one of those devises that they use proficiently.

  • wantingtruth

    megaflower said:

    " I DA myself and would do it again. Iam glad I took a stand. I did it for me,it gave me peace of mind."


    I fully agree with that !

  • Damocles

    I quit about 7 years ago. I just abhor the DA word both for the context and the poor english, so I refuse to use it. I did write a simple letter letting them know that I no longer considered myself to be a witness and gave it to one of the leaders.

    The anticipation was much worse than the reality, although I did and continue to be ignored by some of my children and that hurts. I also miss some of my good friends and as we get on in age that seems to matter more. On the other hand, I have lost that perpetual guilty feeling. I thoroughly enjoy life and the good parts of it. I am more true to myself in the sense that I don't spend five hours a week listening to gibberish and nodding like I agree. I could go on and on. On balance, the good far, far outweighs the bad.

    If I may, I would like to rephrase your question: "Is leaving as good as it seems it might be?"

    Yes it is.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Yes definitely for me. I miss my old friends but time does heal some wounds a bit. Fortunately my parents don't shun me. But even if they did as Jesus said I've gained brothers and sisters and even parents among people who don't shun me because we don't always agree. The world is a GREAT place to be in! Funny I'm not a christian but some of what he's alleged to have said has meaning for me.

  • Thechickennest

    Hi: It's not easy filling a huge 25 year gap in ones life after you leave the WT. The Mrs. and I pretty well faded out before we made our stand official. Mrs. was a born in but, most of her extended family in the WT started shunning us at least ten years before we made it official with letters of resignation. To this day I don't know why the shunning started so early on. It's not like we were bad people doing awful things. I went to college. Mrs. started her own small business and later pursued a carreer in management. Mrs. has been fighting for her life with an awful cancer for the past seven months. Her Mom, a witness in Kansas finally came around after many years of no contact recently. Her DF Dad tried and failed in his attempt to be human when his daughter became gravely ill. Two of her three sisters also came out of hiding from us. One sister is not a witness so that was easy for her. Another is trying to be a witness and struggled a bit. To answer the question, is it all that bad? No not really. If you are willing to move on, make new friends, sacrifice some extended family, and get involved in other productive things, move on, make it so. It's not as bad as one might think. I have had my plate full taking care of Mrs. C. Sorry for not keeping you all in the loop. Mrs. has had seven months of harsh cancer treatments that have nearly killed her. The primary source of the cancer is gone. There is some question about the lungs being involved. Another PET scan in three weeks should tell the story. Mrs. C. has had 26 blood transfusions. If she was a witness she would be dead by now for months. Think about being a witness and the costs....are you willing to die for it?

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