I Just Talked To An Old JW Friend About The Dumbness of The Organization

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllRightsReserved

    Minimus - Why lazy? Were you not? Elder, a friend a "pillar" in the congregation. You had it all, but you woke up one day? (good for you!) Are you now sitting on the sidelines judging? Again? I guess we can't all see through the greasey glass as quick as you. Sorry. I will carry the mikes and call you in the morning. Hey man, it is all bs...give the guy a break.

  • Heaven


    It is up to you, mimimus, how you would like to handle this. As I said previously, you have an opportunity here. You can help to move your 'old JW friend' from the 'Doubt' and 'Discomfort' phases of the change cycle, past the 'Danger Zone', and into the 'Discovery' phase (http://www.changecycle.com/changecycle.htm ).

    Covey uses the visualization of one's 80th Birthday. When you reach 80, and you look back on your life, are you happy with what your life has been? Have you done all that you wished to do? What do you regret? What would you have changed? What do you look forward to?

    I like this exercise from Covey because it uses the visualization technique to help change your present situation so you can have the life you want. By visualizing the future, we can start to change our present. Most JWs have never planned a real life since Armageddon was going to be here ... uh... 'soon' ... or 'very shortly'. So I highly doubt many of them have done the above thought process. My suggestion for you is to help him do this... that is, if you think he's worth it.

  • hamsterbait

    PARALYSED with fear is a very good way of describing what many of us felt when we found the truth.

    Fear is the deadliest enemy there is to success and happiness. It puts and end to both mental and physical activity. (Olive Higgins Prouty)

    It is when I ceased to be afraid of the elduhs, ceased to be afraid of the Borg's threats of what their stone age death god will do to me if I disagree, that I became able to move forward and envisage a life for myself. Somehow I shall cope and survive like most human beings.

    The ridiculous claim that by shunning your children, they will come back to Jehovah "when they have NOTHING" has no basis. In fact it is usually when the desperate lonely old relatives, who are not being helped by the "loving true Org" have NOTHING, that hey ho - they can have necessary contact with YOU.

    Who do they actually think has the upper hand? Maybe Jarasz has had a vision in the last few days...


  • hamsterbait

    maybe he is at anearly stage in the exit.

    I had felt that something was wrong, without being able either to articulate it properly, and until I got the net, no time to do cumbersome no-click library research.

    I had to overcome the fear of apostates and mendacious ones before I could even click a link. Even then I was shaking with fear and self-loathing.

    To someone just about surviving in a life boat, jumping out and swimming does not seem like an option , until you look over the side see the water isnt too deep and the shore is only yards away.

    He is as yet afraid of what he doesn't know. For some people even finding they can say these things is a HUGE step.

    I am optimistic.


  • hamsterbait

    Min - not to criticise,

    But since like many of us you Do NOT give your real name nor your location, age and other details, I take it that you are also afraid of the consequences if you reveal yourself. or you are protecting -whom?

    Overcoming that fear for me will be the time I know have truly escaped.


  • minimus

    Interesting comments.

    I think you have to understand something. I've known this guy since he was a little kid. I like him. He, by his own admission doesn't like a lot of people. He prefers to stay home or with a select group of friends and complain about JWs, especially because he was forced to give up a job working for a df'd person or he'd be deleted as a MS. For as long as I've known him, he's of the mind to criticize and put others down---except his family, ex-Bethelites and elders. He noticed that I'm "still smiling" and still seemingly not bothered by things. I told him that I've researched the history of the Organization, the origin of many beliefs and simple "facts". I asked him if he wanted to check into things, research things. He couldn't be bothered. He'd just rather complain about this or that. That's ok. But I still think he's lazy for not lifting a finger to see why others can have a smile on their face. It only takes a little work to put it all together. He's very much like a lot of Witnesses I know. They won't research anything---even their own current publications. They don't keep up with the latest in WT. World. They still think 'this generation" is soon to be over. They are lazy.

  • AllRightsReserved

    Thanks for the background Min. I stand corrected. Maybe not "lazy"? Maybe - As Wikipedia puts it, " Self-deprecation also refers to making negative statements regarding one's own appearance or abilities, such as saying "I'm so fat" or "I'm such an idiot", often with the intended result that their friends will tell them that they really aren't. Statements and patterns of behavior such as these my indicate self image or self esteem problems."

    That's it for me. Going back to sleep for another 4 years. Wake me up when the walls come down. Thanks Min.

  • minimus

    I'm sure there are some who put themselves down for a purpose. This guy thinks he's brighter than most, ridicules the elders and rank & file but still co-exists. I understand family being a huge issue and I'm not judging that. Even if he decided to do a Gumby and stay for his own reasons, I can see that easily. What disturbs me is not caring about how to deal with it better or do something for yourself. I guess just bitchin and moanin does nuthin for anybody in the long run.

  • minimus

    Heaven, I think visualizing where you'll be at 80 is great but JWs can't even plan for next year. It takes mental discipline to think about the real future. JWs don't like doing it. They're supposed to live every day as if it's their last and just concentrate on the ministry.

  • AllRightsReserved

    Okay, so he is just an *sshole.

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