My JW Daughter's M-I-L Tries to Shun Me in Bank Parking Lot- Sad / Funny

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I actually hide from the JW's. I'm baaaad and don't want to draw their interest in me and what I am doing.

  • flipper

    Thanks for the responses ! Good observations on your part.

    OUTLAW- Yeah- I guess I could shun them back - but I feel like it makes me a better person NOT shunning them. In essence killing them with kindness forcing them to acknowledge me as a human being who won't be denied. I find lots of power and satisfaction approaching them in that manner . Plus- who knows- maybe it will make them think. ( Doubtful though. )

    BALSAM- Yeah- That helps when you don't live in the same town you used to live in. I don't either - I live 70 miles north of where this happened, but I still work in that town and I have jobs in other towns around there. I love your expression " their a$$ is on fire with hemorrhoids ". Hilarious.

    MUSKY- Well, thanks. I felt by being nice it would make a better impression than avoiding her like she did me.

    OUTBACKAUSSIE- Wow ! What a kind , loving young lady you were to change that older sisters flat tire in the rain, in your dress yet ! And yet she thanked your mom, and not you ? No good deed goes unpunished, eh ? At least you felt good about yourself doing a kind thing- and that's what counts ! Thanks for your kind words. Hugs back to ya. I'll be O.K.

    SCULLY- Very true if that's showing love - I'd wouldn't want to see the witnesses version of hate. Jesus.

    AV8ORNTEXAS- Very true what you say. I've seen that as well when in stores and witnesses duck over into another aisle to avoid me. It's such childish behavior. It makes you almost want to go play freeze tag with them and tag them and say, " You're it ! ". Just to freak them out.

    TUESDAY- Lots of people do that and avoid witnesses after getting out. I understand that. To each his own. I just like letting them know I'm doing just fine in life and want them to see I'm happy and fulfilled ! Gets them to thinking. Because they don't expect that.

    MARJORIE- Thanks for your kind words. I really admire you for talking to DFed people in the kingdom hall when you were a witness. That takes courage to do the right thing even though you knew the elders would " counsel " you for it. And that sister who called you with the wrong number ? Isn't it crazy how fast they get off the phone or leave our prescence thinking we have some disease ? Hilarious. We do have a disease- it's called being normal. Scares witnesses $hitless.

    BONAFIDE- I understand what you are saying about the old WT " company line " " Oh, let's shun the DFed ones and they'll feel bad and want to come back " crap. I get that. But this mother in law of my daughter is being self righteous in shunning me, an INACTIVE WITNESS who just hasn't attended in almost 6 years. Now- If she was REALLY following the WT societies advice she would have remembered the November 2008 " witness only " Watchtower where it encouraged witnesses to build up inactive witnesses and invite them back to meetings ! ( Not that I'd go. ) But she was pre-judging me like she was Jehovah God herself ! She's nothing but a bitch who is cult mind controlled and vindictive. So I disagree that she was " following directions". If she was really following directions she would have been nicer and tried encouraging me back to meetings. Just my take.

    BOYZONE- Thanks for your kind words. Very interesting scenario you paint for us in what you go through at the coffee house you work at. So JW women are more into shunning than men ? Very interesting. But like you say- the JW wives probably thought that you a " worldly woman " would try seducing their husbands right in front of them- thus the shunning treatment by the women ! LOL! You are right that it is inhumane the " psychological bullying and emotional blackmail " that the witnesses pull on people leaving. It is truly disgusting.

    SLIMBOYFAT- To me it is psychotic behavior on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses to treat you nice and kind one moment- then treat you like you are the Devil incarnate the next moment. Yes it's strange behavior- and wrong and unjust.

    VERYSTUPID 77- I'm sorry you were shunned by the older elder. But you are beginning to see that the witnesses love for you is conditional - based only if you are attending meetings, raising your hand at meetings, and knocking on doors in the field service.Their acceptance of us isn't based on whether or not you and I are nice, kind people - their acceptance is based on only outward obedience of turning your time in and attending meetings. Truly weird. A person can be a bastard to others and if they are getting 70 hours a month in service, it's acceptable - but if you are kind, loving and empathetic but not turning field service time in - you are evil. What's wrong with this picture ? Everything.

    CHICKPEA- Yes- I agree with you- the " kill them with kindness " mode is how I roll too. That way they can see what jerks they really are. I will continue that if I see any witnesses I know in the future.

    UNDERCOVER- I'm just an inactive fader like you so I understand what you are saying. I will have to check your thread out. Sorry you went through this too. You know, we just have to laugh about the treatment and realize they are all crazy to act this way. Makes it easier to take.

    DOBBIE- Thanks Dobbie- Yeah that's how I look at it too. They are the one's missing out- not us. Just gotta roll with the punches

  • flipper

    WHITE DOVE- You aren't a bad girl are you ? LOL! No need to hide

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