70 years = 607?

by allelsefails 421 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scholar

    AllTime Jeff

    Post 1659

    Scholar has no time for lazy people if indeed you a Gilead graduate then use your research skills and seek what you are looking for. I am not interested in proving anything to you or to dance to your silly nonsense. I choose what I want to say, How I want to say and When I want to say it.

    scholar JW

  • AllTimeJeff
    I am not interested in proving anything to you or to dance to your silly nonsense. I choose what I want to say, How I want to say and When I want to say it.

    AllTimeJeff laughs at loud at the coward. As I said before, you are not here to deign to talk to an apostate, but to those readers you are trying to convince to not look at the evidence further.

    AllTimeJeff isn't really affected by your condescending attempt at switching the subject.

    Let the record show that I, AllTimeJeff, non scholar and Gilead grad, has provided scholarly sources for the dates of 587/586 BCE as the date of Jerusalems fall. (fake) Scholar, has no such evidence, and instead try's to discredit all available research and facts, or run away from legit questions in an attempt to hide the fact that he has no facts to substantiate the heretofore discredited JW position regarding 607 BCE as the date of Jerusalems destruction.

    Hey, are there any lurkers who want to lend (fake) Scholar a hand? He clearly doesn't want to do the dirty work of holding down the SHIFT key on his computer and coming up with a single quote to back up his position. Can you help him out? Sure seems like he needs it.....

  • AllTimeJeff


  • AllTimeJeff


  • scholar

    AllTime Jeff

    Post 1660

    It is you that is squirming embarrassed by your failure to prove 587 or 586 BCE

    scholar JW

  • shamus100

    AT Jeff,

    I am seriously thinking about going back to the dubs now, thanks to your inability to win an argument.

    Thanks all, I feel that being here is satanic now.


    Thanks for showing me the light.

    Take care all,


  • AllTimeJeff


    This is from my post 1549 in this thread (page 14)

    Btw, this is from Wiki:

    Nebuchadnezzar engaged in several military campaigns designed to increase Babylonian influence in Syria and Judah. An attempted invasion of Egypt in 601 BC was met with setbacks, however, leading to numerous rebellions among the states of the Levant, including Judah. Nebuchadnezzar soon dealt with these rebellions, capturing Jerusalem in 597 BC and deposing King Jehoiakim, then in 587 BC due to rebellion, destroying both the city and the temple, and deporting many of the prominent citizens along with a sizable portion of the Jewish population of Judea to Babylon. [2] These events are described in the Prophets (Nevi'im) and Writings (Ketuvim), sections of the Hebrew Bible. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar engaged in a thirteen year siege of Tyre (585-572 BC), which ended in a compromise, with the Tyrians accepting Babylonian authority.

    So Scholar said: "It is you that is squirming embarrassed by your failure to prove 587 or 586 BCE"

    Me, no I am not embarrased, I actually gave real quotes and sources with page numbers. I am happy to pass on what I have learned as factual history from real scholars without a vested interest in a supersitious belief regarding a supposed link between 607 BCE and 1914.

    You have given no such evidence. I doubt you are much of an authority on embarrasment either, as that would require an understanding of shame, and it appears that you and the Governing Body have none.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Morton Edgar ?!?!?!?!?



    Oh, my GOD! I randomly picked his name from your list and that was the very first result in yahoo search. Check this out:

    References to 607 = 0

    References to 1914 = 8

    References to pyramid = 62


    Someone help me! I can't stop laughing!

    This dude was a 100% Pastor Russell pyramidologist!

    He called da Judge... oh, read it yerself, bold, italics, highlight, and color are mine:

    When "Judge" R. discarded the teaching of the Great Pyramid, he discarded the works of Brother Russell too. At that Detroit Convention in 1928, where this Evil Servant denounced the inspired testimony of the Lord’s Stone Sign and Witness, he did not permit a single copy of any of Brother Russell’s "Studies", or any of the booklets of Brother Russell, to appear in the book-stalls. The only books on sale (were) those of "Judge" R.

    Oh "scholar" you have outdone yourself this time! Your mighty savior of 607 BCE is a Russell-pyramidite that calls Judge Ratherfraud the "evil servant".

    Remember the time not so long ago that you tried to convince us that Michelangelo was some kind of 'celebrated JW scholar' for supposedly sculpting a non-existent sculpture of Jesus impaled on a stake instead of a cross?


    Yeah, that was the same Michelangelo that sculpted Moses... WITH HORNS!!!

    That 'celebrated JW scholar' Michelangelo was so "into" men, he had to make Moses horny!


    Now you're really trying to convince us that your proof of 607 is this?

    Great pyramid again

    Oh yeah, this is really proving that Jerusalem couldn't have been destroyed in either 587 or 586 BCE!


    scholar concludes: "I hope this helps."

    OMG! This makes everything crystal clear! This helps un-freakin-believably!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Julian T Gray ... yeah, like I'm gonna read this book to "prove" 607 BCE?


    I got two words for ya here folks:

    1) pyramid
    2) inches


    B the X

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Redeker is a good one, too.


    607 = 27 mentions

    pyramid = 20

    Wow, he actually mentions 607 BCE!... and how the date is established by the Great Pyramid.

    Did you think Billy wouldn't do a simple search on these names? Billy is pretty smart... for an Ex-Bethelite. Billy knew you'd have to resort to pyramidology!

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