Introducing myself.........

by awildflower 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Hi awildflower, Iam Albert,

    good you found this place! I am fading for several years, but a chance to discus things ad share feelings with people in a similar situation - that helps me a lot now.

    I have the same feelings as you describe - life is now so great - feel happy like never before!


  • awildflower

    Thanks all for the welcomes! SFL, my kids have been on this journey with me and we talk about everything! They have been wonderful. When I was first leaving they were my biggest fear of 'screwing them up' type thing, but they are better at this than me! I'm sure it has to do with the amount of conditioning we aquire over the years. They have very little compared to me or older ones in this org. I think a lot of JW kids would LOVE for their parents to leave even if they would never say that out loud! There have been several young ones here who have talked to my kids with thoughts against this org but they can't tell their parents. And I don't look back with to much regret over raising them this way. I figure it is what it is BUT life is soooo much better now for them. I have encouraged them, like myself, to look at the good we might have gained (no matter how little that is) and file it away with us and live in the NOW. Life is worth living right now. They have been true blessings. As a matter of fact, my son started 'researching' long before I did I just didn't know it, but he of course couldn't tell me and you know why.

    Thanks friends!............

  • four candles
    four candles

    Hi from Wales Wild flower,good to see ya!!

  • mouthy

    I started a welcome post to you in" Friends. "wildflower....But another WELCOME HERE!!!!

  • passwordprotected

    Welcome to the forum.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    It sounds like you are handling you're kids perfectly. Good on you for making this a joint journey. You will maintain a great relationship with them throughout your lives. I wish my parents could have been the same as you.

  • lavendar

    Welcome awildflower!

    So glad you found your way OUT of the WTS. Thank God for your 17 year old! Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders!

    May you and your family continue to find peace....and have a GREAT LIFE outside of the clutches of the Watchtower cult.


  • Heaven

    Wild flowers are beautiful. Welcome to the forum!

    It will be interesting to hear your stories especially being married to a Navy man. I am sure that is a very interesting dynamic! Children are amazingly resilient and intelligent. I remember what it was like when I was a kid. I didn't like being lied to or treated as if I didn't know things. And I saw inconsistencies and inaccuracies with the WTS doctrines by my teen years. I knew it wasn't for me. Now, as an adult, I try to treat children the way I wanted to be treated when I was their age.

    I am reading too many books at the moment but Ekhart Tolle's 'A New Earth' is one of them. Also, Stephen Covey's 'Principle -Centred Leadership'. His '7 Habits' and 'First Things First' were great too. I will check out Gregg Braden's books as well, so thank you for mentioning them.

    There is a saying.... "We don't choose the books we read. The books choose us." Once again... Welcome!

  • Johnny


    You mentioned something that I too have often thought of: "I think this org is in trouble because of the internet."

    This may sound silly, but sometimes I wonder if the internet is not alluded to in scripture??

    "And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth." - Rev12:16

    Just a thought.

  • awildflower

    Thanks Heaven, I really love reading and I love what you said about 'the books choosing us'. That would explain a lot about my life right now! You should see my library now. You know, a good JW always had a full library and you were extra special if you had the 'old' books so of course mine was just something to be gushed over by the friends. Oh and of course if your a good JW and you have perfect JW kids then THEY have the same full libraries to right! You should see my garage now! I have 20 boxes of books from this org!! I'm going to throw them away a little at a time. My son and I agreed we didn't want anyone else reading them. It's weird, at first you just want to quietly leave, and then your conscience actually moves you to want to save others from all of this! I will write more about all this in days to come. I guess I can't post much until after a trial period or something right?

    Thanks everyone for the hello's!

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