Did Crisis of Conscience damage you?

by Mulan 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    I've read CoC, and while I was quite surprised at what I read, I did not feel any deep despair. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I'm only 19 and therefore I still have my entire life ahead of me (if I had found this out at 50 something, with presumably most of my life gone, I'd be so pissed!). However, I think the main reason I took it in stride is because I wasn't concerned with what the book would do to my belief system, but whether it was telling the truth or not. Ray's book is so copiusly documented, its veracity can only be denied by the most brain dead JW. The problem with most JW's is that, despite the fact they bellow about wanting to spread "the truth" and being representatives of "the truth", they really don't want to hear the truth, especially when it contradicts what they hold dear. CoC obviously kills alot of things sacred to JW's, so if they are in a typical JW mindset when reading the book, indeed it will upset them immensly. However, since most people who read the book have to some extent disassociated themselves (pun intended ) from the JW minset, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. It will usually move the person from feeling : "The JW's are good but misguided" to "the JW leaders are real a**holes, and the regular witnesses too dim witted to see it". However, since I think every Witness has the right to know "the truth about the truth", I would recommend it to any Witness at any stage of "spirituality" or age group (except maybe someone whose death is close).

    SmokeEater said:

    In all honesty it seemed that if Ray Franz had his way, he'd still be in the Org. That bothered me.
    I had the same feeling too. Seems like if the Watchtower had simply let Ray Franz be, he would have remained a Witness and all the information he had would probably have stayed with him. They probably made a mistake by dissfellowshipping him, or maybe he would have eventually come to his senses. Others with much less knowledge had, so I suspect he might have left eventually anyway.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Ray Franz changed my life for the better when he wrote Crisis of Conscience. I felt foolish for having been betrayed by the WTS and that sense of foolishness has continued for almost 20 years. But all in all, Franz did many of us a great service by writing C of C.

    I am in no way adrift. I now worship my pee pee.

    Not really!

  • zev

    i read both rays books. it did effect me. but i had a strong draw to seek out information in the back of my mind that had bothered me for years. all reading those books did was confirm what i had thought, and open my eyes to things that i had not know about. though i was emotionally effected, i got over that and was left with a simple amazement over why i hadn't started looking into things sooner.

    now they sit on my desk, and i hope someone else picks them up to read them.

    i dont worship the man, i just respect the fact that he had knowledge, and shared it.

    that knowledge set me free.

    no harm done.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
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  • wonderwoman77

    Reading Ray Franz book helped me to see what I had suspected. I suspected that the organizaion had corruption in it. This confirmed it. I was especially touched by the chapters on how the mexican brothers got the ok to get their military card, while brothers in malawi were dying. It was awful. They are hypocrites, and this book confirmed it. It gave me the freedom to know it was ok, not to think like the JW anymore. It gave me the freedom to know that they are just a religion like any other, they are not the truth. It gave me freedom to pray again....

  • hillary_step

    Hello Mulan,

    A good question - my own answer is no. I did not read CofC until I had fully researched the WTS flawed doctrines myself over a period of a decade. CofC certainly validated my findings for me.

    My own feeling is that if Raymond Franz has focused on individuals and personalities it certainly would have left many drifting in confusion, but he did not. He focused on the system always treating its victims, even those of the GB, with respect and dignity.

    Perhaps a lesson is contained in that attitude that we can all benefit from being reminded of. The system made the people and maintains the people.

    Best regards -- HS

  • Mulan

    You guys are SO great. You are so eloquently, saying what I feel about the book too. It freed me from something I was trying to stay part of. I realized after reading it, that the WTS wasn't an organization I could stay with anymore. I never went back after finishing it, and I never will!!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Several have mentioned their impression from Ray’s books was that he would like to have remained a JW. I also had that feeling, especially if he could have remained in an influential position from which he could have worked for positive change in the organization.

    He seemed to believe that there was a small, but important minority of “brothers” in high places with whom he could have worked toward reform. Of course, Ed Dunlop was among those.

    One of the biggest holes in the hull of the WTS ship resulted from the expulsion from Bethel of Raymond Franz and his subsequent Dfing. The ship has slowly been taking on water ever since. When enough water has entered its hull…

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Solomon

  • gumby

    Quote mulan: "Those who read Crisis of Conscience, are left with a feeling of despair and are "cast adrift" after reading it."
    I feel that is completely true of all who were true dubs.
    By true I mean all who really knew what the organisation taught and really believed it.....WHY?
    Your entire world is shattered as you finally realize that what you have come to believe about your future,your present life,and what it all means must leaves you with a blank.
    I am specifaclly talking about when you first realize it's not Gods org. I was one lost puppy.
    However later in the book Ray gives an enlightening perspective on what the bibles true message is, and was later confirmed by me looking into what the bible really has to say apart from anyones opinion.
    I have nothing but GOOD to say about the great work Ray did in exposing falsehood to thousands who have been freed from it.

  • Joyzabel

    Hi Mulan, Good question and there are many fine points in reply already.
    I just want to state that since reading both of Ray’s books recently (this year) I can understand why someone may feel that they are adrift. I felt “adrift” for a short time, questioning everything that I believed in and scrutinizing the basis for these beliefs. But realizing that we live in a world of immediate gratification, it was a lesson of patience for me to not have an IMMEDIATE direction of where to go or what to do next, but to allow time and lots of reading & research to begin my spiritual journey that I ALONE am responsible for. For me, Ray’s books were the beginning of that spiritual journey that I would never have undertaken without his observations of the organization and thus helping me be released from their bondage. Like others have said, what someone does with the information now is their responsibility and it maybe overwhelming. Hopefully, your friend will find his way in life and good friends to share ideas with. I know there have been many good comments here on this board that has helped me along the way. Maybe encouragement to use Ray’s information as a beginning for greater understanding may help your friend not feel so lost and move forward in his responsibilities in life. I had to discover for myself what my future hope really is and what it is based on. Maybe that’s more of what is upsetting your friend. He may have felt that he has lost his hope, whether the hope is true or not, it still was his hope. Now, point him to other good books to read and encourage him to be responsible for himself! J2bf

  • VeniceIT

    I think personally the act of leaving the WTS is what leaves you feeling
    adrift, not Ray's book, most of us just read it around that time period in
    our journey. If you hadn't read the book you would have still left as we can
    see from the many here that read it afterward. I read it after I had decided
    I couldn't stay any longer. IT confirmed my belief that it wasn't God's org.
    and helped me to heal and move past any guilt I might have had because he
    exposed so much so fast!!! After just a few hours of reading there was a
    gaping whole in the WTS's claim to inspiration. His tone also is what made
    these horrible revelations so palatable. Had he been angry or bitter or
    vindictive it would have really turned a lot of people off!

    I think personally that Ray had to write that book! I think he was compelled
    to write it. He knew more then anyone else at that time about what went on
    and what was going on. No one else could have given the depth of knowledge
    and familiarity to the information. I don't think he could have lived with
    himself if he didn't share, and what a waste of his suffering it would have
    been. Now we can see how something great can come from something horrible.
    You have to admire Ray for writing it because you know he risked his
    reputation, friends, and family to give a gift of truth to all who read his
    book, and got a glimpse of what it was like to be the power behind the
    organization. For this we're all indebted to him, he gave others the
    strength to write and publish and to make a difference, and not be
    intimidated by the WTS. He's also shown how to make a point, and stand up
    for truth, without hatred and anger, but with righteous indignation!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

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