Do you believe in MIRACLES?

by nicolaou 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    I have been involved in a couple of things that were out of the ordinary. But, i wouldn't call them miracles. I do believe that miracles can happen. Religion doesn't matter.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think it matters what you believe. Mircacles happen across the board. God is bigger than human religion, which often is devisive.

  • BurnTheShips

    The sun rises on us all.


  • only me
    only me

    Yes I do. I have been healed of RA and my JW mom was healed of a tumor in the duct between her liver and pancreas.

    Neither one of us wa aware of the intent to heal us until it was accomplished. The faith was the healer's, not ours.

    This was a cou[le years ago and we are both still disease free.

    The man who helped us is a Catholic who also practices Wicca.

    It's true, but I don't expect anyone who doesn't know us to believe it.

  • BabaYaga

    Perhaps we are having trouble with the word?

    Yes I do believe in manifested realities, yes I do believe in the law of attraction, yes I do believe in spontaneous and inexplicable healing.

    Then, too... perhaps some "miracles" would take longer to manifest than we have in this life...

    "The difficult I do immediately.
    The impossible takes a little longer ."
    ~Paraphrased from George Santayana

  • nicolaou

    Thank you all for your comments, especially 'only me' for sharing the only account of a 'miracle' containing specific details (by RA do you mean rheumatoid arthritis?) I'm glad you and your Mom are well.

    It's certainly interesting. I can't hide the fact that I'm sceptical, that I'm convinced there are rational explanations for events perceived as miraculous but all the same belief in miracles is fascinating. As I said in my opening post, I used to believe - and I know why I did.

    So, aside from these personal instances that you've mentioned, what about miracles in scripture? Consider the following event recorded by Isaiah. I'm not here concerned about physics or the laws of nature, just your reaction to this miraculous account. Do you believe this was an actual event in history?

    "I will make the shadow cast by the sun go back the ten steps it has gone down on the stairway of Ahaz.' " So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had gone down." Isaiah 38:8 (New International Version)

    How can a jaded sceptic like me ever be convinced?

  • Marjorie

    I have been witness to several miracles.

    If you measure such things as faith and miracles with the yardstick of rationality, your measurements will always come up short.

    Faith and miracles do not function on the same level as scientific rationality. They just don't. They function beyond it.

  • Chalam


    Yes, for sure.

    Seen a lot and heard many testimonies. Just watched this on YouTube




    Here's a great pastor in Rio, Brazil.

    Pastor Marcos Pereira em matéria do Fantástico

    I saw him first on the Ross Kemp On Gangs series when Ross went to Rio.

    A man was manifesting and moving like a crab, flying around the floor. If you see the video it is clear that the moves he makes are almost humanly impossible.

    Anyhow, there is plenty more here in the link. It is on national TV in Brazil so brush up on your portuguese. All you need to know is "nome de Jesus" is "name of Jesus"!

    All the best,


  • zagor

    sure I do, its a miracle I'm back on this site today even though I thought I never would, so there

    as for other twighlight zone kind ones, well I've had few of those too, though I like to think we are only scratching the surface in our understanding of how laws of universe and nature really work so to our limited minds it is miracle the same kind a kid feels when as if by miracle food appears every time mom is around. He can't explain mechanics of it so gotta be a miracle and it is, in his perception.

  • donny

    If by saying "miracles", one means that something occurs that is hard to explain in the mortal world, then I suppose the answer is yes. But if asked "Do you think that miracles are the result of something from the divine or spirit world?", then my answer is No.


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