When the "Anointed" Contributed in Numerous Ways

by compound complex 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • cattails

    Hi CoCo.

    I knew a brother who claimed to be of the anointed and partook at memorials.

    He died recently. A very decent man. Very stubborn and self-minded, though.

    And if he thought you were full of it he'd tell you right off. He had a hand-shake

    like a vice and a rib crunching hug. He didn't seem very intellectual, more like

    a regular Joe, and faithful to any WT doctrine in current vogue. There were

    rumors at my Congregation that he'd stopped partaking. But they weren't

    true, he partook till the year he died, I asked the brother who gave his

    memorial-funeral talk. He didn't leave his wife with much of anything. She's

    now a widow, she never partook of the emblems. She's in her mid 60's and

    he was around the same age. I'm not sure if he ever wrote the Society but

    maybe I recall him saying something about "checking with Bethel". He was

    never an elder or a ministerial servant. He had a strong love for people in

    the organization and a lot of people put up with his quirky ways because

    he was easy to talk to, and very approachable with constant big grin and

    squinty smiley eyes. (If you'd put him in a red suit and hat he'd make a perfect

    Santa Claus :-) He was very zealous for field service and talked to anyone

    and everyone.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, cattails, for this fascinating account. This man sounds like some of the anointed that I knew ... loved people and "the Truth."



  • coffee_black

    My grandmother was of the "anointed". My grandfather was not. In the organization from about 1910. My grandmother never wrote the society or shared her views. She had every opportunity to do so... her daughter married a prominent long time Bethelite. Grandma refused to join the ministry school.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Coffee:

    Wonderful hearing from you!

    Yes, some of us were "privileged" to have anointed family members! Not all of these special people took advantage of Jehovah's rich and bountiful offerings.

    Thanks much!


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