Were YOU A "Good" Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Had I lived closer to BKLYN, I could have been on the WT cover every month!

    I was just that good.


  • WTWizard

    I was a "good Witless"--that is, until I started blowing off all the boasting sessions and cut back on field circus. Evidently, they had their hearts set on my joining the Value Destroyer Training School--which you cannot qualify for if you blow off all the boasting sessions and get zero field circus.

    Oh well, I guess that's why they are hoping to snag me and drag me out in field circus all the time, and to the boasting sessions. Then, in time, they can qualify me for that damn Value Destroyer Training School so they can use me to plunge mankind into the Second Dark Ages (and you thought swine flu was bad?).

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Nah as a young man I lost it with the whole masturbation deal.....but I was sooooo sorry afterwards.

  • screwproof

    mouthy, do you still believe any thing you learned as a witness?

  • minimus

    Mouthy, I think I should start a thread for you to get an "older man".

  • mouthy

    mouthy, do you still believe any thing you learned as a witness?

    No I cant say I do screwproof... I give all my grandkids gifts at Christmas.
    But I stay home alone ,While my daughter that left the WT has a big party
    with all her kids & grandkids ,I am always invited. But I pray for all those I made
    JWS 10 of them... I want my JWS daughter & grand-daughter to KNOW ,I am alone
    hoping she will talk to me again... I know that is sneaky,, But I was taught by
    a very wicked group of old men in Brooklyn.
    I now vote.give cards & gifts at Christmas, Valentines, birthdays,
    I donate to Ministry's that help folks know the truth about cults..
    I have a card printed up,that I hand out to every one who asks about me
    which says "DO YOU NEED A FRIEND"for Jehovahs Witnesses
    or EX Jehovahs Witnesses...gives my e-mail phone &

    http://exjw.weebly.com/ on it. .. How are you doing????? It get better ! MUCH BETTER!!!

  • mouthy

    Mouthy, I think I should start a thread for you to get an "older man".

    YEP!!!! O.K. Min but remember rich, older than I, one foot in the grave

  • minimus

    Simon is old.

  • mouthy

    Simon is old.ROTFL!!!

    I see where your asking to get "ousted" off Simons board.
    Troublemaker LOL

  • minimus

    OK, I guess not THAT old.

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