Comparisons between todays Witnesses and those 40 years ago

by truthseeker 53 Replies latest jw friends


    Lots of good Comments...........JW`s were Soldiers for Jehovah back then......There was war coming!..Jehovah`s War!..ARMAGEDDON!!.........Bang on peoples doors!..Let them Know!....."You only have so long to join Jehovah`s Organization.".....Jehovah`s Witness`s won`t be taking any more applications for membership after 1975...................................................OUTLAW

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    It must have been exciting to be a JW 40 years ago. 1975 was only 6 years away. I can imagine how these folks thought that the end was right around the corner. Think about how much popular culture changed between 1964 and 1969.

    For exampe, in 1964, the rebellious rock and roll music was exemplified by bands like the Dave Clark Five who wore suits and the Beatles back when they had short hair. By 1969, rebellious rock and roll music was Jimi Hendrix, the Who, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and the Beatles with long hair.

    Never mind the Vietnam war and the protests against it and the so-called sexual revolution. I can see how religous fundamentalists like the JWs would think that the end of the world was just around the corner. Add all that to Fred Franz's numerology and I bet it was an exciting time to be a JW. I'm not surprised those folks were more hard-core than today's country club witnesses.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    You have my attention! Can you elaborate?

    Hi again, ts:

    Local Brother Deposed Elder and Brother Elderly, who now is living out of state, talk occasionally over the phone or get together at the latter's residence up north. Brother D.E., with whom I talk regularly, and Brother E. have been frequently "in trouble" for their outspokenness over injustice within the organization. Locally, some elders have decimated the congregations through their Rutherfordian approach to handling matters among the friends, resulting in a one-time mass exodus from one congregation to another. The aforementioned brothers and personal friends, both of whom came to my side when needed, have stood up fearlessly to the ruling despots, at risk and loss to themselves.

    While these faithful brothers are not fully aware of the extent of the incipient cancer spreading within the organization [I say what I can whenever possible], they're not dummies. Thus, the initial comment I posted presupposes that these friends of mine still believe that the WTB&TS is Jehovah's organization, but they have sensed a shift, as I see it, in what they once perceived as Jehovah's loving organization to the current debacle of the judgmental and arrogant attitude of Rehoboam's young counselors.


  • mouthy

    Major conventions lasted 8 days!!.... HOTELS???? LOL.
    Strangers houses???? LOL You got to be kidding !!!!!

    No such luxery!!!I always took my book studies to these events .
    We used to be 8 days in a TENT!!!!!! A baby with us also,
    Who cried in the night... Needed a bottle( She was my studies baby,)
    So I had to go hunting in the middle of the night ,for a way to warm it.
    Found a young couple necking & begged them to let me use their hot plate
    which they did , ... I didnt know that our cots should not touch the side of the
    tents,so the next day it poured with rain... Everything got wet!!!
    I had to fork out for new diapers. Then we had to move in to the toilets, the
    next night... Oh !!!Until the sun shone...But the talks ended at 9.p.m.
    in those days...Today the JWs dont have long days like that.
    Talk about Suffering...... I been there done that.
    And you know what ????? the study became a JW !!! but I am the devils tool...

    You got that right!!!!!!!!

  • minimus

    I never knew people got paid for taking them in!

  • mouthy

    Yes !! My daughter was NOT a jw . needed the money so I talked her into
    having a couple when the Assembly was in Montreal.
    Today she is the Daughter that shuns me.... She is a strong JW

  • aldi09

    It's interesting. I think there's a big difference between today's Witnesses and those forty years ago. I think that forty years ago they appreciated "the truth" much more than in our times. Today there are many things that distract them from serious studying of Watchtower magazines. And not too many of them expect Armageddon to be as soon as it was about forty years ago.


    Our family always took people in for assemblys...........We never got paid..........................OUTLAW

  • mouthy

    That is because they were brothers or sister wasnt it outlaw??
    If you were a worldly person, you got cheap rates.... LOL


    Yes Mouthy..They were always JW`s that stayed at our home..We never knew who would show up..Just that they would......................So Wordly people got paid for taking JW`s in for assemblys?...That must have started after I left..........................OUTLAW

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