What Was The Most Horrible Experience/Encounter You Had While In Field Service?

by Yizuman 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Sorry to drudge up bad memories, but you'll feel better when you share it! Trust me!

    And here's a brain bleach if you need it after you finish posting!


  • crapola

    I once had a man tell me he'd shoot me if I ever came back to his door,,, had a woman threaten me with a broom.

    Once a friend of mine left her 2 year old child in the front seat while she went to the door and I along with an older sister was in the back seat.

    Well the kid pulled the car out of gear and we rolled backwards down a hill and I had to guide the car from the back seat into a tree. I 've had the police called on us by scared kids who thought we were trying to break in when we would leave old issues in the doors. I could go on and on.

  • purpleplus

    I had a bible study with at a woman's home that was ROACH INFESTED!!!!!!! It was hard to concentrate while I was watching each roach, hoping none of them would hitch a ride and come home with me. The following week she cleaned the house with FULL STRENGTH BLEACH. So now my eyes and nose are burning. That study was certainly less than an hour. I told her to rinse with water because the bleach is hazardous!!!

  • Purza

    I think I have blocked most of the bad stuff out. But I do remember one of those district conventions when we had to go out in service in the afternoon. We did this block near my junior high school (I was attending at the time) and my friend rang the door and this guy (I was totally in love) opened the door. What did I do? I flat out ran away and left my friend standing there. As a teenager, it was the worst moment of my life.


  • crapola

    Oh, I had forgot about the roach infested houses!!! Gross!! And some of the smells coming from these houses. Whew! Oh, I remember one time during a study a woman started speaking in tongues,that was really wierd. I don't remember going back to that study.

  • mrsjones5

    I bet the roaches are still there

  • donny

    I was at a door back in the summer of 1984 and this old geezer came to the door in his robe. As my partner began his presentation, he whipped out his dongus and proceeded to pee through the screen door onto the porch. Needless to say, his presenation was cut short. It was a real pisser. I sure could have used that bleach!


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    The naked people that came to the door...

  • purplesofa

    A man came to the door in his underwear, he thought he would embarrass me but I was ok with it.

    The houses that smelled and those were the ones that invited you in!!! Trying to supress gagging coughs while Sister Pioneer rambled on like they were really going to bring this person in the truth!

    A householder that me and my partner talked a pretty long time to at the door, ended up the lady started talking in tongues and my partner was practically running down the driveway to get away from fear of demons!

    A RV I went on and took someone with me and the sister just badgered the woman to pieces till I was embarrassed. The sister was so aggressive and pushy, she made it so I could not go on anymore RV's

    And lastly when I hit a householders mailbox with my car, and someone from the house was watching me! So I couldn't just like go stand it back up, secretly~ R.F. that posts here was in my car group that day and I said SHIT, lol, anyway I wanted to slither away. I could not apologize enough.

  • independent_tre

    Coaxed into doing some Christmas morning door-to-door. Had my life threatned a couple of times ( one guy had a bat), while feeling like a complete @zz for not respecting others right to celebrate a day special to their families.

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