Chevron Food Mart

by asilentone 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    don't forget about the roll up pancake sausuge roll. BBBBBBBBAAAAAAARRRRFFFFFF

  • asilentone

    cameo, I filled out the sweepstakes on the internet, I do not remember the grand prize, but it was worth it if I win it. I fill out some sweepstakes on the internet from time to time.

  • JeffT

    I met a guy at an AA meeting who claimed to have cooked his meth in the microwave at the 7-11 near his house. I also know lots of pot heads who have cleaned out the supply of doritos at two in the morning.

  • cameo-d

    cameo, I filled out the sweepstakes on the internet, I do not remember the grand prize, but it was worth it if I win it. I fill out some sweepstakes on the internet from time to time.

    Your mailbox...both email and home will soon be filled with junk mail.

    Please tell me you didn't give out your phone number, too?

    I hear companies sell these lists for big bucks.

  • hubert

    Asilentone said......"Do they have sandwiches"?

    I hear the road kill deluxe is very good.


  • rebel8

    Another funny thread

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