A Secret about DF'ing that Elders will NEVER tell you.

by Amazing 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Undercover: You are correct in that I made the suggestion ... spot on ... I do not deny it ...iIt was for the few who might want to think about it ... and it also detracted from the main point, and that is what I regret. It I ever repost it, I shall eliminate the paragraph. I just thought that the information in the "Pay Attention" book would be most fascinating.

    Outaservice: I am neither confirming nor denying it ... let the reader decide ... I will make a new posting about it.

    Password: That is interesting news ... I hope I can get a copy of the new "Pay Attention" book ... and see what juicy things are in it.

    Homerovah: Right on!

    Lukewarm: Yep, good points ... this is pretty much as it has always been ... the same party line fed to the masses ... and yet the "Pay Attention" book allows an Elder to privately say something different to a rank-n-file member if he so chooses. Most Elders do not so choose. But, there are those who do and do so in private counsel.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Lukewarm, you beat me to it.
    Haha, Congregation "Bible" Study... right. Like there was much scriptural documentation for their dogma. Haha.

    Much is left to interpretation and circumstances. I have no experience with anyone being DFd for speaking with DA/DF relatives. Most stay very hush-hush about it. However, if any are too open about frequent and casual association with such relatives, persecution will follow. I've known several that have been denied "privileges" or been "marked" by other dubs for their association.

    Another huge variable will be with the local elders themselves, since many will have DF, DA, or at least inactive relatives. Some will follow and demand the "no go" rule. Others will be "don't ask, don't tell".

    B the X

  • minimus

    Regarding the Pay Attention book for elders, my experience with handling issues is that whatever they might have in print means nothing, really. If communication comes through the CO or by phone from the Society, it will trump anything ever put in print.

    There's a WT. stating that a JW could vote. But if you DID vote, you'd get into trouble. They cover themselves by printing and saying various things so that they can "prove" their statement. They are typically dishonest and will make up the rules as they go along.

  • Incognito

    It appears that the ‘Pay Attention' paragraph quoted, could open a door for R&F active witness that have continued (and wishes to continue) a relationship with their DFD/DAD relation, a potential way out of criticism from elders. I think this is part of the point of Amazing's thread.

    Unfortunately, this was not clearly stated, but Amazing did say:

    Once armed with this secret information, you have some power to possibly moderate your relationships with your JW relatives who will listen to you. Underlining : mine.

    This statement implies that there remains some sort of relationship albeit it may be a strained one.

    Unfortunately, any R&F witness that has continued a relationship, if using the ‘Pay Attention' quote as justification, would then be under criticism (or worse) for knowing what the ‘Pay Attention' book says. As has already been stated, the 'Elders' are the only ones that can use this information to their advantage, as they exclusively are the only ones that rightly have access to this 'secret' book.

    A JW relative that is happy to shun, will fight tooth & nail to continue to do so if they feel (written or not) that 'The Society' wants them to do so. Showing them 'older' written WT proof either contradicting or allowing broader interpretation, will not change their mind. Even though the ‘Pay Attention' book may not have been amended and technically still stands, most R&F witnesses would quote current Watchtower articles or latest platform talks as the current requirement. (As per minimus’ last comment)

    As Amazing stated, the Watchtower is full of hypocrisy and double-speak. This will in continue in WT land as it has been highly effective and continues to serve them well. If all witnesses knew all of the information that a select few have a 'privilege' of knowing, then those privileged few no longer have special perks and the WT's tight control would be severly diminished.

  • minimus

    Even if the sheep knew all the "secrets" of the book, if "Mother" and her reps said something different, they would follow the lead. It's what JWs do.

  • Quirky1

    Here's a link I have to the flock book last updated 1991.


  • iknowall558

    My hubby pointed things out from the Flock book to his elder brother, who replied with "yeah , but how old is the book?" I would need to check to see if some things have been updated ". HE WAS LOOKING FOR NEW LIGHT on the elders manual.

  • Incognito

    iknowall558 husbnd's elder brother asked : "yeah , but how old is the book?"

    I think a great response to that question is: 'A lot newer than the Bible!'

  • ziddina

    WoooHooo! Thankyou thankyou thankyou Quirky1 for posting that link!!! I symbolically kiss your toes...

    I was searching for that book thru the used books websites yesterday and had no luck. Now I don't have to buy a [hard to find] copy! Yeayyy Quirky1


  • civicsi00

    New Flock book coming out?? How soon can we get a scan?!

    If you tried to pull something on the elders during a JC, especially something out of THEIR Flock book, I imagine they'd immediately turn on you like the ravenous wolves they are.

    There's no point arguing over fictitious beliefs during a JC. Let it go.

    If you want to keep family, fade and/or move far away.

    If you don't care about family, fade and let them D/F you.

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