A Secret about DF'ing that Elders will NEVER tell you.

by Amazing 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing


    If a JW relative's association with me has more to do with what the WTS's doctrine du jour says they can or cannot do than their familial relationship with me, then they can go f*ck themselves. I don't need that toxic bull$h!t in my life.

    The purpose of my post was not to elicite ex-JWs to do anything ... it was about WTS double speak ... and your attitude toward your family is what it is.

    My response:

    Fine ... but some actually give a damn about their family, and may want to find a way to get through to them without imposing such standards as you defined that their family is unaware of ... and this perhaps is one way. Also, the main point of my post is not to deal with emotional blackmail ... but to highlight Watchtower hypocrisy and double-speak.

    We both know that JW friends and relatives are acting out what they believe ... they would turn around in a heartbeat if their beliefs changed. So, I took your comments to be rather harsh ... but nothing in my response demands an apology to you.

    "Don't get me wrong, Jim. I "give a damn" about my family. I'm just sick and tired of being jacked around by them in on-again-off-again relationships, without advance warning. They lie to cover their tracks by saying they "deleted their facebook/myspace/yahoo profile" when I have evidence that they simply changed their privacy settings. They *KNOW* they can have a relationship with me. The male parties in my family are Elders™ and have their very own copies of The Flock book. They actually have Spirit Directed™ permission to associate with me and even have "spiritual conversations" with me due to their status as Elders™. They have relationships with other family members and non-family members who are either DFd, DAd, brought up JW and did not commit to baptism. They just enjoy the bullying and the ability to pick and choose how to apply the "rules" and to whom to apply the "rules"."

    The quote feature stopped working.

    Shame on them for doing that to you ... I was good freinds with a ex-JW couple who were DF'd, and their relatives would associate with them on and off again, depending on whether the policy WTS would relax or tighten up. Eventually, the couple ended up returning to the organization, and now shun me totally. Go figure.

    "I'm sorry you disagree with my "standards", Jim, however I am finally choosing what is in my best interests after over a decade's worth of trying to be kind and "the better person" toward my JW relatives, while walking on eggshells to "respect" and avoid offending their JW sensitivities. I'm not about to let anyone abuse me that way again."

    I did not disagree or agree with your standard(s). Perhaps it would have been better of me to say that some are not, or do not feel blackmailed and feel that they have a shot at getting through to their families. Some have not given up yet. Each person has to decide for themselves. I really do not have any concern as to what you or anyone else does. My post was done for the stated purpose, and not to tell anyone what to do or how to feel.

    "My point is that sometimes it is necessary to let go of the fantasy that one can have a peachy relationship with JW relatives. Life is too short to coddle irrational people following irrational rules supplied to them by an imaginary authority figure. When I think about how I've been humiliated and interrogated by the relatives in question and revealed very private information about the JW who molested me and the molestation, so that they could "justify" associating with me, only to have them do an about-face and treat me like a DFd person (even though I am not a DFd or DAd person) I feel totally betrayed by these people and want absolutely nothing to do with them."

    That is understandable ... and how you feel and react to them is your own business.

    "They owe me an apology, and so do you, Jim."

    No, nothing in my comments requires an apology to you. I am sorry if we misunderstood one another and it led to upsetting you. Nothing in my words attacked you or your standards. I opened to you by saying "Fine ..." an expression that acknowledged your right and business to act as you wish. Others have the right and it is their business to act the same as you or to choose something different for themselves according to their own circumstances.

    I too have been abused and mistreated in many ways by JWs and non-JWs. Many people that have come in and out of my life have expected me to act or conduct myself to please them ... and I no longer feel obligated to do so if I do not honestlky feel that I should. - Visit Smiley Central!

  • SnakesInTheTower


    ** w07 1/15 p. 20 Remaining Steadfast When a Child Rebels ***The situation is different if the disfellowshipped one is not a minor and is living away from home. The apostle Paul admonished Christians in ancient Corinth: "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man." (1 Corinthians 5:11) While caring for necessary family matters may require some contact with the disfellowshipped person, a Christian parent should strive to avoid needless association.

    Thanks Blondie, this is the one I was thinking about. OTWO mentioned something more recent. I only have a few "study" editions on the shelf and havent looked through them. I have heard about more recent rumblings. The April 15, 2009 study WT on its subheading on satan being an apostate made a contextual comparison between Satan and those who (paraphrasing) 'criticize individuals, elders, governing body'.

    Snakes ()

  • Amazing


    You can parade what ever book or quote you want...you can quote scripture even... It won't do any good if the elders are on a witch hunt. Face it, if they're concerned that an active dub is associating too much with a DFd relative, they're going to hound them about it. And if they don't like the response they get they're going to keep hounding them. Throwing their own book back in their face is only going to make them more determined to put that person in their place.

    It is obvious to me that the point of the post is lost ... I am not trying to get anyone to do anything ... the point was to show the double-speak and insideousness of how the WTS works ... I think that the "Pay Attention" book demonstrated the point. I am sorry for the paragraph that talked about a possibility and I am sorry that I posted this thread. - Visit Smiley Central!

  • Scully


    I am sorry if we misunderstood one another and it led to upsetting you.

    Thank you. That was all that was necessary. I feel that you and I agree more than we disagree.

    Having lived with the false hope of having a mutually respectful, loving relationship with JW relatives, and having gone through the hoops of trying to acquiesce to their fickle leadership, it's important for each person facing this situation to recognize when enough is enough. If I am to live honestly to my personal values, nobody should be able to compel me to live any differently just so they will have a relationship with me. If I'm not good enough for them, as an honest, hard-working contributing member of society, or even as someone who has blood-ties to them, then they don't belong in my life. There are plenty of other people who are more than willing to take their place and who really love me for who I am.

  • undercover
    the point was to show the double-speak and insideousness of how the WTS works

    I appreciate that but this comment isn't exactly factual:

    It is obvious to me that the point of the post is lost ... I am not trying to get anyone to do anything

    Because in the original post you said this:

    If your JW relative is not trustful of this information, then maybe this can put your JW relative's conscience at ease, just have him/her talk with any Elder, and have him bring out his copy of the "Pay Attention" book as some call it, and read it for themselves. This may also cause your close JW relative to question why Elders are given secretive material not available to the general rank and file JW population, and why this little provision is NOT disclosed to them in the last 28 years. Maybe you and they can at least have some type of normal relationship.

    But you apologized for suggesting it, which you don't have to do, but you did suggest it. Like I said, I appreciate the effort to show the double-speak in dishonesty of the WTS, but I personally wouldn't recommend trying the above method to try to prove one's point to an elder...not if you're trying to stay under the radar anyway.

  • Outaservice

    I think you're not be totally truthful with us Mr. Amazing! You really do own that coffee shop, don't you?

    Mr. Outaservice

    PS Yes you are right about the Organization printing one thing but in practice doing underhanded things (un-Christian by the way) .

  • passwordprotected

    You can expect this to be thoroughly overhauled when the new 'Flock' book is released later this year.

  • sir82
    when the new 'Flock' book is released later this year.

    Was this discussed anywhere else here? First I've heard of it.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The WTS. is an institute of power starting from the top of that power source the GB, right down to the elders at the local Kingdom halls,

    the elders should therefore perceived as the enforcers of the laws constructed by the GB.

    Power of the elders is even extended to people whom do not agree with their judicial decisions, even a expressed different opinion

    on to their actions can result in severe penalties, thats the kind of power thats afforded them.

    Just one of many gregarious evils of religions like this that slams against human sociality.

    This is unfortunately also one of the reasons that men involved with the JWS move into the position of eldership

    as an obtainment of power, some abuse this power and some may not.


    Hi Amazing,

    Here is the latest direction in print considered this week in fact at the Congregation Bible Study. It's in the appendix of the 2008 book "Keep Yourselves in Gods Love"

    ***lv pp. 208-209 How to Treat a Disfellowshipped Person***What if a relative is disfellowshipped?

    In such a case, the close bond between family members can pose a real test of loyalty. How should we treat a disfellowshipped relative? We cannot here cover every situation that may arise, but let us focus on two basic ones.

    In some instances, the disfellowshipped family member may still be living in the same home as part of the immediate household. Since his being disfellowshipped does not sever the family ties, normal day-to-day family activities and dealings may continue. Yet, by his course, the individual has chosen to break the spiritual bond between him and his believing family. So loyal family members can no longer have spiritual fellowship with him. For example, if the disfellowshipped one is present, he would not participate when the family gets together to study the Bible. However, if the disfellowshipped one is a minor child, the parents are still responsible to instruct and discipline him. Hence, loving parents may arrange to conduct a Bible study with the child.-Proverbs 6:20-22; 29:17.

    In other cases, the disfellowshipped relative may be living outside the immediate family circle and home. Although there might be a need for limited contact on some rare occasion to care for a necessary family matter, any such contact should be kept to a minimum. Loyal Christian family members do not look for excuses to have dealings with a disfellowshipped relative not living at home. Rather, loyalty to Jehovah and his organization moves them to uphold the Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshipping. Their loyal course has the best interests of the wrongdoer at heart and may help him to benefit from the discipline received.-Hebrews 12:11.

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