Deepest sympathies to all ex-JWs who've been hurt by the 'WORLD'

by ziddina 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wobble

    Well strummed Jim (when I read your posts I hear guitar music),

    I know some lovely, generous, kind, trustworthy and generally admirable JW's.

    I know exactly the same kind of people who are not JW's,some are of no religion.

    I think it boils down to "Confucius He say: He who generalise generally lies !"



  • rebel8

    Great post, z! Lots of people are liars, selfish, etc.--in and outside the Borg. And there are a nice few. Expectations to the contrary invariably lead to disappointment.

  • DaCheech

    the first woman was never interested in being a witness she ignored the friends who asked her to drink and do drugs, got married had a child but is now divorced and losing her house because the bitter ex won't pay the morgage long enough to sell it! the second girl easily led did the drugs got raped while drugged up, became an alcoholic and had three kids that run arounnd not looked after much with social workers now trying to help her with the children. third girl has had a fairly normal life, left school early got pregnant in a youthful relationship, had two kids to two different fathers but never married, neither father stayed around to even see their offspring. shes happy and now the girls are older shes trying to goto college and get some education she missed from leaving school early due to pregnancy! what do these stories prove? nothing just that people are people and we do what we do to ourselves but it's easier to blame others particularily a religion. The bible gives us standards to live by whether we do or not is upto us.

    reniaa, what bible standards? like the one where the law allowed you to rape a virgin and pay her family to marry her?

    good topic, all of you!

  • isaacaustin

    I agree. The WT prepares its members to fail in the world if they choose to leave the org. This is to underscore the 'where else is there to go" mindset. The org loves it, they live for it. their favorite is the young girl who leaves the org, gets dfed...has a child out of wedlock..gets into drugs and alcohol, perhpas run-ins with the law. The org proudly proclaims to its drones: "See what happens when you leave the org"

    We see Reniaa with her tales of her leaving the org and being abused by the world....only to realize there is nowhere else to go.

    Or Johnnyc indulging himself in as much 'apostate' material as possible only to realize it has nothing to it. Remember his story Reniaa?

  • DaCheech

    reniaa, tell me about those bible standards, example on top.

    or about lots daughters?.... they could not find anyone else to sex, had to lay in bed with daddy?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Hurt by the world? Well the "world" was very empathetic when my father died, and also when my wifes's grandmother died. 1 Winess called me to offfer condolences as oppoesed to the hundeds of "worldly ones" who contacted me. Wife had so much grief in her moarning. Grandma was very attached to my girl. Relatives to her were tolerable, and the worldly ones were trully compasionate and trully concerened for her welfare

  • Warlock

    All the psycho-babble aside, people in the world can just smell you coming.


  • DaCheech

    reniaa, can't hear you!

    With the help of others I bet I can come up with 2 dozen bible stories that would shock even "worldly people"!

  • coffee_black

    After the recovery period of leaving the borg, I realized I gained far more than I lost. I now have wonderful true friends, a great relationship with my kids and grandkids, a wonderful man in my life, a deep relationship with God that I never had as a dub, a great career that I really enjoy... In every way, my life is sooooooooooo much richer and soooooo much more meaningful!

    When I realized the borg had lied about so many things, I did not allow it to influence my thoughts any longer. Their opinions and dogma have no value because they have proven themselves to be liars. I have shed their poisonous control over any aspect of my life and the world has not hurt me. I am stronger and happier than I have ever been in my life.


  • boyzone

    I echo your sentiments entirely coffee. However my still zealous JW parents have got all the bases covered with this one. If I am happy its because Satan looks after his own. If I am sad, its because I left the "Truth". In their eyes, either way they win.

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