Have you joined a new religious organisation since leaving the JW's?

by Wee John 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I respect those who choose religion, but as for me, religion makes me sick.

    @PasswordProtected: I don't think that God would communicate to us through the "Holy Books". When you read the "Holy Books" with an open mind, you see how much slavery, genocide, rape, and disregard for human life is in the Bible, Koran, etc.... I have no stomach for that ...

    But good luck...

  • Quirky1

    The only thing I do religiously is take a good sh*t...

  • mouthuy

    Twobytwos,Presbyterian,Salvation Army,Unity,New Apostalic,Roman Catholic.
    I did get baptized in the Baptist Church
    three years after being kindly kicked out of the Watchtower.
    I watch Charles Stanley & Charles Price on TV .
    But I think religion causes more trouble in the world than any other thing.

    I believe in having a relationship... I feel I have that with JESUS!!!!

  • Quirky1
    I believe in having a relationship... I feel I have that with JESUS!!!!

    Jesus is our waiter at the Mexican Restaurant....

  • mouthuy

    Jesus is our waiter at the Mexican Restaurant I bet the meals are SUPER then
    My Jesus gives me the real "bread"but tell your Jesus hello, he has a GREAT NAME

  • k9groomer

    I'm new here, 1st post. I was raised a JW for 18 yrs was never baptized. Over the years I went a little crazy and even felt that god was not there for me, that I left the "truth" and that was it etc.

    Earlier this year I had a chance to attend a Baptist church. It was the first church service I've attended since being a JW. I absolutely love it, the people, atmosphere and pastor. I currently attend three days a week. There is no talk of religion in fact it is spoken against, because "religion can't save you". It is strictly about you and your personal relationship with Christ. Even though my JW mom told me I'd miss a good meeting, I told her I'd miss a good woman's bible study at my church and for the first time in 34 years I did not attend the memorial this year.

    Thanks, Rhonda

  • wantingtruth

    After leaving the organisation , I found a WAY , that one prophetised in Isaiah 35:8

    And a highway shall be there, and a way; and it shall be called the Holy Way. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for the redeemed; the wayfaring men, yes, the simple ones and fools, shall not err in it and lose their way.

    Isaiah 35:8 (Amplified Bible)


    this WAY is NOT a religion , but a correct relationship with God , through the Son , beliving His words , following His steps , and doing the Father's will !

    This WAY leads to the Kingdom of God !


  • mouthy

    I'm new here, 1st post. WELCOME K9Groomer ...So happy to welcome you
    you sound like you have it together ,in MY humble opinion .

    This is a great family> some unbelievers, some believers, some naughty, some nice,
    you will( I am sure) get to love them all as I do ((((HUGS))))
    Granny Mouthy/Grace

  • Wee John
    Wee John

    Great to here you are happy K9groomer!!!

  • k9groomer

    Thank you Mouthy and Wee John! I don't know how often I can visit, time is limited. I have read some posts on here for a few days and do find it an interesting site with lots of differing opinions.

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