Jesus not crucified on torture stake. Impossible!

by sacolton 250 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • isaacaustin

    Who hear would attend the meeting to hear Reniaa's disfellowshipping announced? LOL Even if it just meant coming in after the song before the service meeting and leaving after the announcement?

  • isaacaustin

    Who hear would attend the meeting to hear Reniaa's disfellowshipping announced? LOL Even if it just meant coming in after the song before the service meeting and leaving after the announcement?

  • shamus100

    I would. And I'd ask her if it was worth it.

    Reinna probably hasn't told one ounce of truth to anyone here. Her life story is probably a lie, her picture is a lie, and if it isn't, she should have been disfellowshipped by now.

    She gives a true view of a typical Jehovahs Witness. Completely out of touch with reality.

  • isaacaustin

    Oh I agree Shamus...I agree completely.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Thanks for the info Leolaia. By consensus I simply meant those on this board who have read it

    I found a referance from 2006 where they continue to site the book:

    *** g 4/06 pp. 12-13 Did Jesus Really Die on a Cross? ***
    The Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John use the Greek word stau?ros′ when referring to the instrument of execution on which Jesus died. (Matthew 27:40; Mark 15:30; Luke 23:26) The word stau?ros′ refers to an upright pole, stake, or post. The book The Non-Christian Cross, by J. D. Parsons, explains: “There is not a single sentence in any of the numerous writings forming the New Testament, which, in the original Greek, bears even indirect evidence to the effect that the stauros used in the case of Jesus was other than an ordinary stauros; much less to the effect that it consisted, not of one piece of timber, but of two pieces nailed together in the form of a cross.”

    They print the claim he makes but give no evidence to support the claim. Just because somebody states something you agree with doesn't mean it's evidence that can be used to prove a point!

    I often wondered if somebody simply wrote a "scholarly" book that agreed with Watchtower ideas how easy it would be for them to get put as a reference into the societies literature.

  • reniaa

    leolaia I've been away for a few days and just read your point I realised that I wasn't very clear and so was misconstrued.

    'Cross' is a word denoting the shape of the way a person dies, specifically that it is a stake with some-type of cross piece, it is used because a lot of the methods especially in the third century had crosspieces on (they used the latin cross at that point). so the word is defined by it's crosspiece.

    Stauros makes no indication of crosspiece because at that time the word indicated that they died on an execution stake aka the form of death execution and it usually involved some sort of stake. crosspieces were not associated with stauros at that time this was a later development when crux evolved to mean cross.

    To use cross would be wrong because it indicates a shape that hadn't been associated with a word for that that form of death at the time of writing the bible. Any extra crosspieces to the execution stake was irrelevent to the word used otherwise there would have been a word denoting crosspiece shape rather than just the form of death instrument using ambiguous words like stauros/xylon meaning tree/stake/pale.

    this would not matter much if cross had not become so associated with christianity and even further evolved to bring to minds a picture of Jesus on a latin cross. If you read the actual scriptures you can see the problem with cross rather than the form of death being the issue.

    Luke 14:27
    And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

    what does this scripture mean?

    Does it mean carry a wooden stake around with us on our churches on our altars or around our necks?

    or does it mean that Jesus was indicating some would face sacrifices that involves more than just a piece of wood by being his disciples?

    Torture stake actually takes the focus off the shape and when the say impale it does the same. I don't and never have as a witness thought of what he died on by those words but how and why he died.

    Yes from Jesus's prediction I do think he died on a stake but it wouldn't destroy me to find otherwise because the writers never thought it important enough to make a big deal out of the shape as christendom does.

    ATM christendom's foremost mark is the cross and it is a false one!

  • watson

    The cross is sacred to so many, so I don't want to be disrespectful of it. I never did understand though, why someone would want to wear something that was such a horrible implement of death. It, or a stake, was used to kill or torture so many people.

  • reniaa

    You make a good point watson it's the fact christendom have got all focussed on the shape of his death instrument to realise that the scriptures using that word are nothing to do with the shape at all! it is more of a verb word than a noun.

  • Mary
    Reniaa droned: Stauros makes no indication of crosspiece because at that time the word indicated that they died on an execution stake aka the form of death execution and it usually involved some sort of stake. crosspieces were not associated with stauros at that time this was a later development when crux evolved to mean cross.

    Riiight. Just ignore the overwhelming evidence that's been provided here to you Reniaa. All the historical documents taken from contemporaries of Jesus and his early followers are all just lies that were set in motion 2,000 years ago by Satan because he knew one day, a group of loons from Brooklyn with absolutely no credentials or grasp of ancient languages, would come up with the retarded idea that Jesus died on a pole.

    I'm really glad you're on this site Reniaa. To those lurking on here, your laughable comments and your blinding yourself to all the evidence provided, goes a long way is showing that a person who's in a cult has absolutely no reasoning power whatsoever.

    Keep takin' those meds Reniaa..........I'm sure you really see 4 fingers in front of long as that's what the Watchtower says.

  • shamus100

    The only persons transfixed on Jesus being on a cross or a stake is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc. That is an undisputed fact.

    Reinna is quite possibly the best thing that happened to anti-witnesses. She's just waiting for that judicial comittee to get rid of the rotten apple. At least I had the balls to leave, and not bring reproach on Jehovah like you do.

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