1000 years is 1 day to God....what would right RIGHT NOW possibly be on his scale?

by lurk3r 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lurk3r

    I heard a saying once..."Time is Gods way of keeping everything from happening at all at once." Hence the question.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Are those 360 day years, 365 day years, or a day for a year prophetic years?

  • BurnTheShips


  • lurk3r

    im not sure if your trying to draw my ignorance out, but I admit, I really don't know! lol

    i was going with our present calendar?


  • Elsewhere

    Sounds like classic Relativistic Time Dilatation.

    According to Einstein, this means that Jehover is moving at about 186,282.30387 Miles Per Second, relative to the earth.

    (99.99995000601157% the speed of light)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    2 Peter 3:8 -
    However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

    As Elsewhere indicated, this scripture speaks of Jehovah's separateness from Time, which is only one of his creations. The other creation is eggshells. Everything else evolved from eggshells, given enough time. I speak in terms of 365-day years.

    The WTB&TS always uses part of this scripture to make an excuse for Jehovah's apparent slothfulness, although it is plain from the context that if the Jehovah sock-puppet wanted to move at superluminal speeds, such a feat would be within his abilities.

    If 1,000 years (365,000 days) are as one day, then we can assume that 365,000 hours is as one hour, 365,000 minutes as one minute, 365,000 seconds as one second, etc. We could even generalize and say that this sock-puppet Jehovah can move either 365,000 FASTER or SLOWER than we can.

    In this light, "right NOW" could mean either before your brain finished thinking the thought (if our friendly neighborhood Jehovah sock-puppet went into "faster than Superman mode) or about 20 hours (365,000 x 0.20 seconds [an average human reflex speed]) if The Universal Sovreign is moving slowly.

  • truthseeker

    That scripture was always used to justify why the New System of things hadn't arrived.

  • lurk3r

    Thanks for that quote of scripture Nathan, and subsequent explanation. Also for making sense of my "senseless" question. That was well thought out indeed. I have never been able to think of time as a "creation". How about yourself? Could you take a stab at explaining? You seem to have a way with words.

    Thanks Elsewhere...Im going to have to see what that even means.

    You bet TS, I have HEARD that scripture many times used in such a way. REreading it just now, shows me how out of context it has been used. arrrgh.

    I remember seeing a LDS commercial on TV a while back. While I don't remember the commercial in itself, I remember the closing line of the commercial. "Isn't it about time?" . Most likely i guess they may have been encouraging former members to get off their arses or sumtin.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    "Time is Gods way of keeping everything from happening at all at once."

    Maybe everything is all happening at once and things only seem to be happening consecutively to us.

    It has only been in the last century that we found out that time is a physical property that is effected by gravity and speed. When you get outside of our physical universe it might not even exist.

  • jwfacts

    The universe only has the dimension of time due to having a beginning, as do humans. The concept of time does not work with a God who is eternal. You cannot divide infinity, so to liken a God day to any period of human time makes no logical sense. Being eternal, God is not subject to time.

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