My Wife Is Coming Home!!

by Yizuman 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Btw, she has lost ALOT of weight since her hospitalization. She looks way better than the previous pics, I'm glad for her health. But her weight still didn't matter, it's the heart the counts the most.

  • Uzzah


    I never said anything about your wife in this thread, on this board or any other internet board.

    I only commented and made others aware of your past history of asking for financial help on this forum.

    Oh and there is a huge difference between being "obsessed" versus learning from and being alert to historic patterns of behaviour.

  • drwtsn32

    Yiz, glad to hear she's coming home. Wish you two the best of luck. Good to hear from you again.

  • Yizuman

    I only commented and made others aware of your past history of asking for financial help on this forum.

    Oh and there is a huge difference between being "obsessed" versus learning from and being alert to historic patterns of behaviour.

    Why did you feel it was necessary to bring up my past history? You keep bringing it up and bringing it up over and over again. That to me is being obsessive.

    My stupid mistake happened 6 years ago. And still, for the last 6 years, you keep bringing it back up again.

    You really know how to destroy a good thread Uzzahole.

    And on top of that, you really know how to piss me off.

  • Yizuman

    I apologize to everyone regarding my anger towards Uzzah.

    I just don't understand why someone like Uzzah have to dredge up a stupid and idiotic mistake I made 6 years ago.

    Uzzah just won't let it frackin' go.

    It's over, Uzzah!

    I learned from my past and moved on. I see no need to go back and dewell on it.

    I'm married and I'm doing just fine. I'm working out my problems on my own just fine.

    Don't bring it up ever again, Uzzah.

    Thank you.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Both men have made their points. Let's move on.


    There are many organizations that will help. I'm sure you have tried some. Call them again and always ask if they know of some other org that might be able to help.

    Best Wishes


  • Yizuman

    "I am so happy for you both! How long have you been married? What a guy she got, huh?"

    Thank you for asking, we got married on August the 10th in 2006, so it'll be three years this coming August.

    I met my wife while at work. I used to work in a C-Store in the town where I now live. (Before we met, I lived just one town north of here, a small efficency apt.) I was cleaning off the shelves when I got a tap from my (then) wife, asking me to move aside a bit so she can get through in her electric wheelchair.

    First thing I noticed about her was her smile. So like a puppy dog I followed her.

    She knew a little bit of sign language, just enough for introductions and small talks.

    Next day, she comes in with a plate of goooooooooooooooooooooooooood food covered up in foil.

    It was mash potatoes, meatloaf and green beans.

    So I got her heart at a "Hello!" and she got mine with a big burp from my heart.

    And the rest is history........


  • Fadeout

    Uzzah, thanks for the prudent and non-judgmental caveat lector, I certainly don't see "hatred" in your post.

    Yizuman, best of luck!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Wishing you and your wife the best of luck Yiz.....

  • free2think

    Wishing you both the best of luck. Im really happy your wife is coming home.

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