My Wife Is Coming Home!!

by Yizuman 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird


    Peace to you.


  • only me
    only me

    Sending lots of positivity your way! Blessings to both of you.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yizuman , I am glad your wife will be home soon . While she is still in the nursing facility make sure you request the social worker help you find resources right now for her future needs . Since she has medicare , medicaid and SS she should be eligible for many of her medical needs which include the special bed and chair . Have the homes social worker look into all community resources for you . She/he should be able to make the phone calls for you and find the help you are going to need . Just make sure you speak up now for assistance because once your home your going to be very busy .

    Much luck to you and your wife .

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Good luck friend! All the best.

  • snowbird

    guess some old fashion cloth diapers will have to do, but they're sure stinky on it's way to the laundry room *holds nose*.

    Try getting her to eat yogurt, buttermilk, and spinach.

    That will ease some of the stinkiness.

    I know this from taking care of my mother.

    God bless.


  • Uzzah


    Good luck and hope it all works out as you planned and stated above.

    To the casual reader: Please review this thread . . .

    and note this quote:

    As a friend from this forum pointed out to me that I am a newbie and most people don't believe in any kind of posts requesting for help UNLESS that person is well known by everyone on this forum and I had to agree with that.

    Go ahead and flame me but this just seemed to be a less obvious plea for financial support and help. He is no longer a newbie and seems to be learning the fine art of asking for money without actually making the ask. However before you hit the send button flaming me, go back and re-read the initial post. It is all, we need this, I hope I can afford it, we need this I don't know how I am going to handle it financially.

    If my memory serves me well, people here have given him money in the past (Granny don't do it!!!) So I can't help but believe he is coming back to the same 'successful' pot.

    I am not claiming his story isn't true but do believe it is more about financials than sympathy. I do actually hope I am wrong but wanted to ensure all had at least the same historic perspective before allowing their heart strings to be pulled and before they decide to send $$ to help.

    It is great however to see the responses and the level of caring willing to be given out in words of support. We have some amazing and tender hearts on this board. In this particular case however I am not one of these.

    Just my opinion


  • snowbird

    All righty, then.


  • Yizuman

    Uzzah? Why are you holding grudges and hate?

    Did I ask for money? Just now?

    I did make a stupid mistake in the past, but no more.

    You, Uzzah. You don't ever let go of the past and let bygones be bygones, correct?

    You must really hate people.

    Do me a favor, drop it and leave it alone.

    Or at least, leave me alone, especially my wife.

    As I recall, you mentioned about my wife on JWO that my wife is some piece of work after viewing my wedding pictures. She may not be a model or a great to look at, but I don't judge people on the outside, but rather on the inside and that's who I fell in love with.

    I imagine that after this posting, you will come after me with all sorts of things you can think of. After all, you do have a tendacy to not leave things alone and be obsessed about people's past.

  • Uzzah

    Yiz: You have me confused with others. I have never seen a picture of your wife never mind commented on her appearance

  • Yizuman

    Then why you bring up the past, Uzzah? What's your agenda?

    My Wife

    Now you see me and my wife.

    My Wife

    Like I said, she's not a model, but her smile and her laughter will knock you flat on your ass at any give time, 24/7.

    I'll take personality/character over looks at any time.

    Got a problem now Uzzah?

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