I'm so upset

by Newborn 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    Hi friends!

    Sorry, I just have to vent my frustration again over the fact that my fleshly, still a JW sister, treats me as if I'm dead, since I was df'ed.

    I can't get over it. What to do??

    I'm still writing her regularly. Kind e-mails and text's but now I feel like writing her a really disappointing one...but I guess that won't change a thing...

    /Sad Newborn

    Damn damn damn!!!

  • Warlock

    I feel you, dear.


  • Newborn

    Thanks Warlock

  • free2think


  • lisavegas420

    You know it's not your fault. All you can do is be yourself. I used to try and befriend my sister that is still a JW.

    This is the last email I got from her.....over two years ago. What I sent her was a copy of an article about JW's and sucide...it was not apostate:

    This is exactly the reason I blocked you on my My Space. If you need someone to blame for your life not turning out the way you wished, fine, but I don't need to blame anyone for anything. I am VERY happy to be one of Jehovah' faithful witnesses', and very proud to be serving him. Each person has to make his own choice in life. I have made my own, very informed choice. Me and Xxxxx are raising our children as witnesses, just as he and I was. When they become adults, they will make there own decision as to if they want to serve him or not. You have made your own choice. Great, I am glad you found something in your life that makes you happy. I would appreciate you not sending me any more of your apostate garbage. I would also appreciate you not contacting me or my children any more. Thank you in advance, Xxx Xxxxx (names withheld to protect the not so innocent) lisa

  • Newborn

    Thanks free2think

    Dear Lisa,

    What an awful letter to receive from someone you grew up with etc. My sister also sent me a letter expressing her disappointment with me and that she herself always will serve J.

    It's just such an un-necessary loss for both...

    So you know exactly how it feels. Thanks for sharing. Love to you 2.


  • rebel8

    You can get over it. It is a major loss and you will go through the stages of grief. But you can do it. Your happiness does not depend upon one other person. (( ))

  • LouBelle

    You know Newborn - the few months after leaving are the hardest. You feel the loss of your relatives and friends greatly. It's going to be tough! I know the pain you are going through - All my JW family shun me along with all my friends. Stay strong!



  • happpyexjw

    Newborn, I am so sorry you are going through this. But perhaps I can give you some hope. All of my family (from my side) were DF'd at one point except for me. I was very young and really co-dependent with my husband's family who really stoked the fire of my self-righteousness. They and the wts went to great lengths to "encourage" me to stay strong in my rejection of those who had "left the faith." I tell you these things not to excuse my bad behavior, but to let you know what might be going on from the other side.

    Obviously, I eventually came to my senses and left the organization when my own children were harmed by a pedophile relative from one of the good witnesses on his side of the tribe. When I saw how that situation was handled I began to see how wrong some of the wts teachings were and after struggling with it for several years, I left. My reason for telling you all this is to show that you can't know what might happen in her life to open her eyes to the truth about the so-called truth. Leave her alone for now as she has requested and simply wait. I know it's hard for you to do this, but perhaps in time things will change.

    Those who have already posted here and said it will take time to recover from the wts are correct. Hang on though, and in time it does start to get better. Support communities such as this one can do a lot to help you along. Just reading the experiences of others on here has been a great source of comfort and encouragement to me. You are not alone Newborn and this group will be here to support you.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Dear Newborn:

    While I no longer preach I do think that Bible principles and accounts have practical value.

    For instance, scripture suggests that "before honor must come humiliation."

    Pharoah ateempted to kill Moses, who reportedly ended up leading the entire nation. Joseph was outed and given for dead by his family ubntil they were begging him for food during a famine. About everyone turned on Job and yet he enden up the most successful person of his time. Famously, Jesus was hunted down and slaughtered by the Jews

    What I am thinking is that what you are going thru might be in preparation for something great that you yet must do. History proves to me that the majority opinion is most often wrong1 Endure.

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