I'm disgusted by YOU

by skeeter1 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    sorry skeeter Many here have done a lot to inform the public including interviews, support groups, letter writing, guest lecturing, among many other things.

    Some just sit behind their computers and let the world know what they have experienced at the hands of the WTS.

    You can't judge one person's activities to another person's. Demanding we all do the same thing isn't fair.

    But thanks for letting us know how disgusted you are with us all


  • skeeter1

    Lady Lee,

    You are right, no one has to do a damn thing to change the world or the Irish government.

    It's just so disheartening that this news story and all of us have the potential to make real change...and the thread went to the back pages quickly with alot of views and not many posts. It's like the people on this board don't care about making substantial changes. It reallyseems like a plan of inaction is hte desired course for most who viewed my post. Meanwhile, I know th JW attorneys will put on a pony show for the Irish authorities.

    I knew that if I put on a punchy post line, "I'm disgusted by YOU", I'd get more comments than the post "BIG-Irish Government to Set JW Blood Policy". My theory is right. Flashy fluff over substance....

    Skeeter (who is very sad)

  • hubert

    St. Ann wrote such a great letter, that it would be hard to do one better. Making copies wouldn't be good at all, either.

    Many people here, (including myself) are (I'm assuming) not good at expressing themselves on paper, so it wouldn't help your cause. If a letter isn't written in a manner in which it helps the cause, it can do more harm than good.

    I do feel for you, and do hope many people write in and help. However, like I said, not everybody can do this. We all do our "own thing" to help people stuck in the borg, or thinking about joining it.

    Good luck to you, and I do mean it sincerely.


  • happpyexjw

    Skeeter, I respect your desire to bring about change. However, I disagree with your rather crass comments and blanket condemnation of all who post here. To you these blogs may be idle "farting around," but for some of us, who are trying to heal from varying degrees of damage, your comments are not appreciated. You might want to try a different approach. I for one, never saw an earlier post from you on this topic.

  • Finally-Free

    Skeeter, I misunderstood your original post. I just found the thread you were referring to, and I'll start drafting a letter.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Ireland is about to set national policy for its hospitals and doctors on how to handle Jehovah's Witness patients

    That is none of my business. It is between JWs and Ireland.

    I have nothing constructive to contribute, and no influence if I did.

    Loath me with glee. I hope it makes you feel better.



  • beksbks

    Black Sheep, I have to agree.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I have nothing constructive to contribute, and no influence if I did.

    I have influence when I write. One of the ways I maintain influence is to not associate or support emotional nut cakes who care only about themselves. Freedom of belief is something I support. Oppression and a paternalistic society is not.

  • skeeter1

    HappyexJW & Hubert,

    You are both very good writers and I thank you both for your kind and sincere thoughts.

    I'm sorry if you didn't see the original thread. It kept getting burried a few pages back. Lack of interest.

    I am not normally a crass person or one to make scenes or tries to get attention. I've only sent one plate of food back to a kitchen, and it was a really bad plate of mussels.

    I wrote in a crass style because I knew it would provoke A reply from the posters here. I got hardly no replies from the original thread, which was a big story where we can each teach a government about our own story and hurt caused by the Watchtower Society. I was trying to ruffle feathers, because I thought my original thread was worthwhile read for this on-line community. Being nice and bttt the original thread was going no where.

    Yes, we've each been hurt. I choose a long time ago that wallowing in my hurt made me hurt more. I had to make lemonaid out of my lemon life. Each time I write a letter, I get healing. Writing to the Irish authorities is a chance for me to heal big time. I can dream that I will make a change. I will make life better for a sick JW child who is stuck in the Truth.

    I'm sorry if I hurt you. And, I understand if all you are presently able to do is to post here. I understand now that everyone's inaction is because they've been so emotionally paralyzed by the Watchtower's hurt. I took it that you all didn't care.

    I'm a fighter and I'll fight to the end. It just would be alot easier to get Ireland to listen if there was an army of ex-JWs, instead of a few lone soldiers.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Freedom of belief is something I support

    I get the feeling that Skeeter wants me to get involved in legislation the takes away the rights of JWs.

    That is not my scene.

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