SOLOMON'S SEAL: Pentagram or Hexagram?

by cameo-d 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mP

    Interestingly the hexagram that you speak of can also be found at Saturn. The day of worship for Saturday is of course Saturnday or Saturday.

    North pole hexagonal cloud pattern
    North polar hexagonal cloud feature, discovered by Voyager 1 and confirmed in 2006 by Cassini.

    A persisting hexagonal wave pattern around the north polar vortex in the atmosphere at about 78°N was first noted in the Voyager images. [49] [50] Unlike the north pole, HST imaging of the south polar region indicates the presence of a jet stream, but no strong polar vortex nor any hexagonal standing wave. [51] NASA reported in November 2006 that Cassini had observed a "hurricane-like" storm locked to the south pole that had a clearly defined eyewall. [52] [53] This observation is particularly notable because eyewall clouds had not previously been seen on any planet other than Earth. For example, images from the Galileo spacecraft did not show an eyewall in the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. [54]

    The picture does not show quite a clear hexagram but there are plenty of others that are much more defined. More proof the jews worshipped the heavens. The number 33 of course comes from the 33 years Saturn takes to orbit the Sun. How the ancients knew about the hexagon clouds is a mystery.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Hmmm, so Obvious Guy asks, if it took deep-space probes for modern men to detect these sometimes "hexagonal" patterns on Saturn, how did the ancient Hebrews do so, 1000's of years before the invention of the telescope?

  • mP


    thats a very interesting question, but the connection or coincidence as i previously mentioned cannot be denied. There are many interesting examples where the ancients shock us with their knowledge, this is just one of them. They may have been backwards in many cases, but they werent all fools. Take a look at the magnificent pyramids in Egypt at Giza and else where, hardly the work of illilterate unintelligent peoples.

  • Nambo


    The way I've heard it is this...

    The hexagram is actually two triangles overlaid, which represents the sexual union of the male (triangle pointing up) with the female (triangle pointing down)...

    The pubic area on females has long been represented as an inverted triangle - far into prehistory, so that connection is pretty clear...

    The triangle pointing up is supposedly a phallic symbol - but at this moment I don't have time to pull any references..." Said Zid,

    I was just about to post the very same thing.

    All I can add to your statement is that it also represents the sexual union between man and the gods, think of the Nephalim.

    The man part of the Star is the pyramid that points up, you will see this in a lot of places dominated by Israel, such as banking, have a look on the back of your dollar, have a look at the Rothschild Israeli supreme court from the air, the whole New World Order sign of the pyramid is half the sign of this Satanic sexual union.

    Theres also a scripture somewhere where God is condeming the Isrealities and is mentioned "the disgusting Star of their god...." whilst the form of this star in the OT isnt given, I wonder if its the same star of modern Israel?, would certainly explain why its found on old Hebrew graves.

  • Sulla

    Is that what you heard? Union of male and female? Sounds like DaVinci Code to me.

  • Robdar

    the hexagram represents the union between God and mankind. The triangle coming down is God reaching out to us. The triangle going up represents us reaching toward God. The two find union and embrace one another. You must be confusing the Magen David with the Tao yinyang symbol of male and female.

  • mP

    Robdar: The ying yang is also the path of the Sun bouncing back between the tropic of Capricorn and Cancer. Black and white amd tjhe dots are of cours e the Sun and Moon with the day and night.

  • Robdar

    mp: I did not know that. Thanks!

  • Prognoser
  • Robdar

    Prog, I recommend that you stop skipping your meds.

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