a chick emailed me.........

by asilentone 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • Finally-Free

    The only chicks that ever email me usually get caught in my spam filter, damn it!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "If anything, I will see you next week"

    Did she leave out some words? Like...

    "If anything doesn't fall out of the sky and smash you, I will see you next week".

    "If I can't come up with anything as an excuse to get out of it, I will see you next week".

    "If the doctor doesn't find anything wrong with my eyeballs, I will see you next week".

    "If I don't do anything else for the rest of my life, I will see you next week"

    ... just some ideas.

    B the X

  • SPAZnik

    Just reply with ... if anything, i'd like that. ;)

  • shamus100

    The last time I refered to a woman as a chick I was twelve years old. Or at least in my early teens.

  • Scott77

    shamus100, How old are you now? And you guy asilentone, why not you fire back to ask her for clarification? Like 'if anything', might that include not having coffeetime at DD? Then it will be up her to clarify.

  • Priest73
    The last time I refered to a woman as a chick I was twelve years old. Or at least in my early teens.

    I'm 35 and I still call chicks chicks(THEY ARE SO WTF?). so what? as to the original question, just ask her if she wants to get a pizza and f*ck. if she says no, ask her why she does'nt like pizza. problem solved.

  • shamus100

    I just asked because in Canada we call them "birds".

    Well, not really.

    My age? I'm 82.

  • Scott77


    If you are 82 as of last year 04/2009, then you are on way to be 83 effective this month, 04/2010. Then how are you still working at Wal-mart? Sam to the best of my knowledge, does not like to hire oldies for insurance reason. Please, correct me if I am wrong.


  • crazyblondeb

    and after 11 months, we are resurrecting this thread, why?

  • Snoozy

    Don't know but now I want to know what happened!

    I took it as if she didn't see him before she would for sure see him the next week.


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