population reduction being pushed now

by ninja 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Ninja! That card game came before "Magic the Gathering". I used to sell the darn thing 20+ years ago!

  • avishai

    First off I just have to say "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!" That being said, religion, i.e Catholicism is in large part to blame for this horseshit population problem, especially in the third world.

  • Spook

    I think Billy had some good points. Tax cuts for DINKS would have the externalities under some solutions. A more complex system of incentivising could deal with these problems. A good start in my opinion would be that those receiving government aid are required to be on long term birth control for the duration of time they are receiving aid. You can also set up child direct programs that bypass the parents rights, though this would require a shift in attitudes about the rights of parents / vs children.

    The individual not caring about externalities that affect the group is the main reason we have these enviromental, and financial, and societal problems.

    Now this was a good comment by another poster. That's one of the reasons for counter-libertarian arguments and is a basic function of government - controlling negative externalities. It's true the individual may not care for ethical or practical reasons, but if properly incentivised can be expected to act in their self interest more often.

    I thought BTS comment about expanding to other planets is good...the question is assuming this is possible, could it be achieved before a state of high inequality and depravity were achieved. I don't think we could push through a hundred years of universal global unrest and maintain scientific leaps and bounds.

  • BurnTheShips
    If all the Catholics and Muslims would go find a nice little planet to inhabit, I think there would be plenty of room right here on earth for the rest of us.

    Why do you statists always want to eliminate whole classes of people?


  • BurnTheShips
    no.4 ...population reduction.........next an epidemic ....he he\

    What they want is the destruction of the family.


  • beksbks
    Why do you statists always want to eliminate whole classes of people?

    It was your idea that the universe is there for the taking, I merely suggested peoples who tend to have lots of children to be the first inhabitants.

  • beksbks
    no.4 ...population reduction.........next an epidemic ....he he\
    What they want is the destruction of the family.

    Who is "they"? The makers of that 25 year old card game??

  • BizzyBee
    AND there are no more fish in the oceans.
    Anyway, I know the fish is fresher up north.

    I am stunned by this logic. Does this mean that the fish swimming in southern waters are.......stale?

    (131? Nah...don't think so.)

  • cameo-d

    I don't think anyone is asking you all to brainstorm for solutions.

    The thinking has already been done for you.

    Can you say Agenda 21?

  • beksbks

    Agenda 21!!!

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