population reduction being pushed now

by ninja 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock
    No need for killing people,

    Who said to kill people?

    Read my comment carefully.


  • stillajwexelder

    I would not worry too much - by definition population is self limiting. The earth will get to a stage where there will not be enough food to feed all and famine will do a lot. Then there will be war by people competing for resources and that will cull some of the population. Disease will do its bit too.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Yes, I know what you said. You know, you really should be careful advocating suicide on a site like this.

  • SacrificialLoon
    I would not worry too much - by definition population is self limiting. The earth will get to a stage where there will not be enough food to feed all and famine will do a lot. Then there will be war by people competing for resources and that will cull some of the population. Disease will do its bit too.

    Wouldn't it be better to avoid this altogether by being a little proactive?

  • Spook

    Yeah, Stilla. That's true. But I think that's the problem that I was pointing to. I think you either have to accept this (a lot of suffering later) or nudge it (a little suffering now). Personally, I'm not worried about the U.S. in my lifetime...other than perhaps the fact that natiions which are willing to take action now could be stronger than nations which continue to increase in population. Furthermore, the problems with overpopulation have negative externalities, so it is in the interest of those who do make rational decisions to limit their own reproduction to incentivise others into decreasing their birthrate.

    I'm happy, for instance, if my neighbor has a dog. But regardless of the fact that he could not breed infinite dogs I would gladly pay him some amount to keep him from having as many dogs as he could possibly have. I'd prefer overall that I structure my neighborhood in such a way that our external cost of those dogs (mess removal, bite insurance, decreased property values, increased need for fences and sound barriers) be born by the dog breeder and his sympathetics. Or in the anarchist sense, I'll just go kick his ass.

  • beksbks

    It's about time we start pushing this!! With this one issue, we could have a positive effect on every other problem we have in the world. There was interest in this in the '70's, too bad they didn't keep it up. Religion is a major obstacle though.

  • beksbks
    A National Medal of Science laureate (America's highest science award), the professor of molecular biology believes part of that better land management must include the use of genetically modified foods.
    "We have six-and-a-half-billion people on the planet, going rapidly towards seven.
    "We're going to need a lot of inventiveness about how we use water and grow crops," she told the BBC.

    Oh hells no! Just quit having babies!

  • Warlock

    Oh, in case you haven't noticed, the rainforests are completely gone, AND there are no more fish in the oceans.


  • beksbks

    No kiddin'?? So that Halibut I had last night was the last one??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • SacrificialLoon
    Oh hells no! Just quit having babies!

    I don't know. *If* there is a worst case scenerio with regards to climate change we may have no choice but to engineer crops that can grow in the new conditions, or maybe Baffin Island will be the breadbasket of the world, who knows?

    I don't think that GM foods are quite the bugaboo that some groups make them out to be. We've been genetically modifying crops, and animals for thousands of years, just in a not quite as direct method.

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