population reduction being pushed now

by ninja 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Sylvia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doe's buggin' me again!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Typical woman. I agree and you're still pissy.

  • beksbks

    Oh Doe!! Grilled cheese and tomato soup?!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Nope, ham sandwich.

  • beksbks

    Yes dear.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    In countries such as America, tax credits for those who DON'T have children as opposed to those who do might be a good move.

    The problem is, that would punish the children. If you turn back the clock 70 years and more, orphaned, abandoned, and homeless children were a shame to the US. They weren't just single moms dumping kids. If Dad got injured on the job, he lost his job, no insurance or disability, the family fell apart. Things like the Orphan Train helped place many of these children in good homes, but most remained neglected. Others spent their childhood in orphanages. As society evolved, programs and money was dedicated to keeping children in their homes and helping their families, thus began welfare. It has been much needed relief to keep many families together and children cared for. Many climbed out of poverty and went on to happy, productive lives. Unfortunately, welfare, food stamps, and other assistance programs became a way of life for many, for generations.

    In contrast, I'll mention a couple of families today, model families. Both parents are well educated and have good jobs. Both couples had only one child each when I first met them. As good taxpayers, they are punished with high taxes, expensive insurance, etc. Both couples really struggled with the idea of having a second child because of the expense. Both did. Good. It would be fine with me if they each had a third child, too. They are good, hardworking couples who will do their best. So, should we tax them to death for having children? NO WAY! I want them to keep their money because they will save it for their children's college education. It would be nice to have doctors and nurses to take care of us when we're old, right?

    The problem with giving tax credits to those that don't have children, is that it will give more money to many people that don't really need it. So, you recommend tax credits to DINKs (Double Income, No Kids) that are already driving around a Hummer pulling a speedboat across the country to disturb the peace at some remote lake?

    Really, I believe it's very sad of us Americans to say that the world is over-populated when we're the ones consuming an absurd amount per capita of the world's resources. The world could easily support all current residents if many of us weren't so greedy. I won't just point the finger at us as persons, since I think Corporate America is greatly to blame. For example, my grandmother has a 30-something year old washing machine that is still washing clothes. A friend of mine called to have her 8 year-old machine checked because of a little leak... They said, "oh, something that old will just need to be replaced. Excuse me, why is Corporate America producing disposable washing machines when they built better ones 30 years ago?

    Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now and shuddup with my opinions.

    B the X

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Billy, well thought and supported post. You're exactly right.

  • beksbks

    Billy, I just believe very strongly that we need to address population. As a mother of two who struggled the whole time my children were young, it was a great help to have those deductions. So in my scenario, taxes for the wealthy are up and taxes for the rest are down anyway. That hummer couple is not going to get this credit. Health care is universal, so no problems there. Children's education? Should be free or near free to all Americans. It's what will make the difference. None of that means anything if we don't educate women. I'm not talking about taxing people who have children, I'm just trying to come up with a way to make having fewer children more attractive.

    Hon if you think I'm not anti corporate America, you haven't been reading my posts

    Now will you please tell me who that is in your avatar???

  • beksbks

    Yes Billy, if you are interested in Doe as an acolyte, you need only disagree with me as often as possible.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    beks, I agree that changes need to be made. For me, it's sad to see the inequality and injustice. I guess that's why "da troof" appealed to me. I'm just disappointed that there isn't a skydaddy to step in and fix everything. Of course, he would have solved the population problem by mercilessly slaughtering everyone... except a few JWs.

    Now, I just struggle to take care of myself since I wasted my best years in Beth-hell. As far as the rest of the world, I'm not very cheery either. I fear that the situation of most of Africa is hopeless. Where do you even start to begin? The extent of backwardness, superstition, ignorance, and corruption is overwhelming. Asia and the Middle East is a powder keg. It's heavily populated with the potential start of a great war or deadly disease outbreak at any time. As for the USA... oh, look at the time... sorry Beks I gotta run. I'm taking my Hummer and speedboat to the lake for a big party. I'll tell ya who's in the picture later...

    And thanks JD.

    B the X

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