Who knows of an Annointed one getting Disfellowshipped?

by annalice 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • annalice

    Ok ,so if new annointed ones can still come about , who here has ever heard of any annointed ones in their congregation or surrounding congregations getting disfellowshipped or simply fading out of the organization. Thus allowing some new annointed one to take their place?. And if someone says "hey I am annointed" do they have to check with Bethal who then checks a list or something to see if there is a annointed one somewhere in the world who just got D'fd?

    I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stop writing now. This is so absurd to even think about I am laughing to hard to type anymore.

  • isaacaustin

    Raymond Franz

  • asilentone

    James Penton

  • asilentone

    Edward Dunlap??? Not sure.

  • Dagney

    I remember a guy in our congo (when I was in my teens) DF'd for adultery, and he was like a replacement because he was fairly young.

    Very confusing for me. I shoulda known. **sigh**

  • mkr32208

    I know an annointed person who faded and came back faded and came back... He was a MANIAC though, I mean truely insane person. So... Whatcha gonna do. I don't think he was ever df'ed but he certainly was in and out.

  • BluesBrother

    I knew a "sister" of the anointed....she was disfellowshipped for many years, Immorality , I believe ..As an older lady she came back (I was instrumental in her re activation) ..When she came back she once again took the emblems and claimed anointed status...

    Of course , now the gates are open for any number of new anointed to be added on, the belief that only "replacements" would be taken in has been abandoned.

  • daniel-p

    There was an elder in my old hall who claimed to be annointed and was accepted as one for years... until people realised he was really an insane abusive father. Later, after he was DFd, he would follow the JWs around the apartment complex he lived in and yell various prophetic obscentites. This is just one example, but in my experience, most "annointed" ones are off their rockers.

  • truthsetsonefree

    I've known several, even served on the committee of one. It's more common than the GB would ever want to admit.


  • villabolo

    "When she came back she once again took the emblems and claimed anointed status."

    Under the replacement theory whoever had replaced her while she was df'd would have to be unreplaced or demoted back to Great Crowd status once she rejoins.

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