Have any of you just handed the book COC to a jw friend or relative?

by cawshun 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • cawshun

    If so, how did it go over, good or bad?

  • leavingwt

    Sent a PDF to my Dad. He never responded or mentioned it. I'm assuming he never looked at it.

  • sacolton

    ... and they handed it right back. Apostate material.

  • cawshun

    lw, how long ago? I was thinking on handing it to my son-in-law so I would see his reaction? Just not sure if its the right way to go.

  • cawshun

    sacoltom, if they refused it because its apostate, I would respond with, Thats control of information, where is your free will to examine things for yourself. What are you afraid of?

  • leavingwt

    This was probably six months ago.

    I would encourage you to examine Hassan's 'Releasing the Bonds' book. He basically encourages a concerned person to NEVER talk doctrine until AFTER the person has been 'empowered to think for themselves'.

    In other words, once a person has an open mind, a book like CoC may be extrememly interesting. However, if their mind is still being controlled, the thought of looking at such a book would be revolting, frightening and scary. Handing a JW an 'apostate' book will trigger their cult personality, rather than their real (or pre-cult) personality.

  • passwordprotected

    @ leavingwt - sounds like a bit of a vicious circle, doesn't it. Sigh.

  • happpyexjw

    Leavingwt, I absolutely agree with your advice on this point. I had numerous ops to check out anti-witness books and letters from individuals who had left and never would look at them. I thought I was being a good Christian and "guarding my heart" as I had been taught/conditioned over the years. My guard was instantly up and avoided those who offered me the stuff like the plague. I think offering this book to your son-in-law Cawshun might just make him more resolved that he has the "truth."

  • B_Deserter

    Sort of. I met a friend of mine who had been dfed for 9 years to rekindle our friendship. He still believed in it and asked what made me change my mind. I mentioned the book as one of the factors and sent him the PDF. Now his mind is free from the clutches of Brooklyn.

  • cawshun

    I think my kids are the moderate jw. They like the thought of paradise earth, they go to meetings, but in every other aspect they are like the worldly people. All their friends are outside the WT. They listen to music the WT would not approve of. They like to go out to worldy clubs, dance and drink. They participate in sports. My daughters best friend, not a jw, has a mouth like a sailor.

    Sometimes I think they just want to keep peace with his mom and step dad. Step dad is an elder, mom is a pioneer and extreme. My son in law is more relaxed about it, my daughter has told me before that anything off the internet is apostate. He would probably accept the book but my daughter may take offense.

    lw, I do think my son in law thinks for himself, I don't think he is completely under the WT controll. I can tell you this much, he is a coach, he love's his job and if they would make that a WT offense, he would leave before he would give up coaching.

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