WT to entirely shut down Brooklyn soon? New developments

by sir82 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    There is no need for Brooklyn Bethel is there?

    I was wondering about the building project when I was there a few years ago. They were converting the "dorm" rooms with community showers to individual rooms with full bathrooms. Why? Busy work?

  • cabasilas

    No. Converting the dorm rooms to rooms with private baths makes it easier to sell the buildings in Brooklyn later. These can become studio apartments or small condos.

  • undercover

    I know it's ridiculous, but I can't help but think (after seeing threads where the Society seems to be distancing itself from the congregations...don't use the logo, certain decsions made on congregation level instead of at headquarters, etc.) that the leadership is going to create their own compound to live their lives out on. They'll bring just enough loyal people to keep things going. The congregations will slowly dissolve and the members displaced.

    It's like they know the dam is about to burst and they're gonna git while the gittin' is good...they'll hole up on their own property where it'll be out of sight, out of mind as far as the rest of the non-JW world is concerned. All the dubs not in the inner circle are left to cope on their own.

    Maybe I've been watching Big Love too much.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    As AK-Jeff commented on the other thread - this is definately part of a larger plan. Obviously, they've been divesting properties in Brooklyn for several years now. Certainly, the Heights residents and the borough of Brooklyn must be estatic to have these properties back on the tax rolls.

    Already the printing operation out, the Adams St. factory is vacant.

    If I were them, I would have probably started this process sooner. They couldn't pick a worse time to sell the Bossart & other buildings. Remember the Bossart deal fell through late last year/early this year.

    Downsizing both in properties and people is a very good business decision. I think they will continue to reduce the amount of printed material they produce.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    They're skipping town to avoid the giant Aposta-Toga party in Brooklyn in 2014, but we'll find them wherever they hide.

    "And the Governing Body will in fact say to the mountains of Rockland county, ‘Cover us!' and to the hills, ‘Fall over us!' " - Hosea 10:8

  • MissingLink

    You know as soon as they're out of Brooklyn they're going to be praying for a major terrorist strike there to prove that their move was inspired to protect the GB.


    undercover, you may be on to something.........we know how little loyalty that the guys at the top have for anyone not in the magic circle........

  • snowbird

    It doesn't matter where they move. The decree of the Master that was directed toward Edom can also apply to the WT.

    From The Message Bible:

    Jeremiah 49:16 "You think you're so great—
    strutting across the stage of history, Living high in the impregnable rocks,
    acting like king of the mountain. You think you're above it all, don't you,
    like an eagle in its aerie? Well, you're headed for a fall.
    I'll bring you crashing to the ground."

    Uh huh.


  • Dagney

    "No. Converting the dorm rooms to rooms with private baths makes it easier to sell the buildings in Brooklyn later. These can become studio apartments or small condos."

    Not in a Brooklyn Heights sort of way. Those rooms are anything but condos. They just look like dorm rooms with bathrooms.

    My point is whomever would buy those bldgs would buy it for the land, location. They would convert the building into their purpose. Those workers were not happy campers when I was there.

    I'm wondering, do the elders feel this "distancing" from them and the congos?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Key is if they do convert the 'dorm' rooms to rooms with bathrooms, they were and are using free labor to get the work down.

    When I was there thats how they gor 90 sands done and when I left they were starting on towers and looking to do 107(my bldg.)

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