The Trinity: God the Father and God The Son

by BlackSwan of Memphis 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    If you want to understand the Trinity doctrine you may as well blow your brains out since many have tried.....and jumped off the Empire State building in frustration!

  • Mosesjoel

    I am new here and happy to have found this forum, I have wasted so much time on so called Christian Forums debating this topic with no avail.

    Especially the classic scripture of The baptism of Jesus Christ.

    Matthew 3:16 After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God’s spirit coming upon him.
    17 Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.”

    Too someone who believes God is Jesus then this would occur:
    Then Jesus went into a trance, and left his body in spirit form and then acted as the voice in Heaven, which is impossible

    You have a vague understanding of the Bible, my friend.
    Jesus is indeed very much mistaken as God but of God he has only in the LIKENESS and PERSONALITY of him, but seperate beings regardless, As he is The Son of God.

    That is why when Jesus says in the Scriptures,
    You have seen the Father through me,
    My Father and I are as one.
    These are explainations that he is the closest in all creation which resembles The Father as he has his Likeness and Personality. He is i extreme close UNION with God which has confused alot of Christians regardless.
    Also mentioned Jesus refers he is not equal to The Father and submissive to him,
    Prayers he makes are to someone else 'The Father, not back to himself, that would make Jesus crazy, which he is indeed not, Like having multiple person disorder. But again The Bible proves he had no mental illness and Jesus sincerely prayed to His Father in heaven.

    I have a 5 year son Moses, he has the likeness of me but he isnt me, Otherwise he would be like a conjoined twin and he is not. Jesus is not a conjoined twin of God also. But also his Son.

    These forums now object to NWT scripture, maybe in my opinion of the ostrich with it's head in the sand, happy with what they beleive but when proved wrong go into complete defence and denial.

  • cameo-d

    Jesus is NOT god.

    "God" is a hoax.

    God is a scary magic trick ....all made up to make you mind!

    Jesus was a real person.

    And besides, "trinity" means three. You have only listed two entities here, so obviously it can't be a trinity.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Trevor's essay is excellent.

    In it he quotes The Watchtower, February 1, 1960, page 93 to show that the WT does know the proper doctrine, but you don't have to go that far back to find it in WT literature.

    It also appears in the 1 November 1991 WT, pg 19-22. This time quoting two sources.

    The Trinity Doctrine

    Nearly all churches of Christendom teach that God is a Trinity. The Catholic Encyclopedia calls the Trinity teaching “the central doctrine of the Christian religion,” defining it this way:

    “In the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: ‘the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God.’ . . . The Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and omnipotent.” The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912, Volume XV, page 47

    The Baptist Encyclopædia gives a similar definition. It says:

    “[Jesus] is . . . the eternal Jehovah . . . The Holy Spirit is Jehovah . . . The Son and Spirit are placed on an exact equality with the Father. If he is Jehovah so are they.” The Baptist Encyclopædia, edited by William Cathcart, 1883, pages 1168-9.

    I notice that the quote from the Baptist Encyclopedia has three sets of parenthesis. Are the parenthesis hiding something?

    Does anyone have access to those pages? They may not be available on the net. I have had a good look.



  • quietlyleaving

    ah ha - but catholics don't normally use the term Jehovah when speaking of the trinity. If they did then imo Jehovah would be god the father. Whereas the baptists seem to be using God and Jehovah interchangeably so imo that in itself does not pose a contradiction to the catholic position. Where's possible san - he knows what I mean.

  • IronClaw

    I too since leaving the WTS have had trouble with the trinity doctrine. Too many things don't make sense when reading the scriptures if one believes in the trinity. OK we all know many scriptures that make it seem that Jesus is separate from the Father. But here is a new one that I came across the other day when reading Mark. Mark 1:23-25. Here Jesus went into a synagogue to teach. There was a demon possessed man there. The demon spoke to Jesus saying " I know who you are". Well just who did this Demon say Jesus was? Think about this for a moment. This demon who once was an angel in heaven for who knows how many millions of years, must have been in the presence of God and Jesus many many times. So WHO did this demon say Jesus was? He said, "You are the Holy one sent FROM God". Now why wouldn't he say I know who you are, you are the Holy God? Little things like this make me not believe in the trinity. Just my 2 cents worth.

    The Claw.

  • Mosesjoel


    That is a verry good verse, even I never looked into that one explaining the pagan beleif of a false trinity,

    I always used Jesus Baptism. but this is so far better too the truth of no trinity

  • watson

    Maybe god is like a corporation. You got the CEO, the COO, and so on. All different people, but the IRS looks at it as one intity.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    JWs seem to have no trouble understanding the concept of a single FDS made up of several persons, then go into mind spins over the Trinity.

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