The Trinity: God the Father and God The Son

by BlackSwan of Memphis 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I had been discussing the trinity with someone the other day (hence the topic on I AM) and this person alluded to the idea that Jesus was saying HE himself was Jehovah.

    Well, it occurred to me last night:

    In the doctrine of the Trinity, isn't Jehovah considered God The Father and Jesus is God The Son? Or am I not understanding the doctrine properly?

    Thoughts to clarify this??



  • Piercingtheveil81

    No. In many discussions I've had with trinitarians and in some books I've read on reformed theology Jehovah is the name for God as an entity. The father, the son and the holy spirit are three distinct persons that form the one entity of God. I know its confusing.

    While I don't believe in the trinity I do believe that the watchtower society has given witnesses a false picture of what the trinity is exactly. So many of the points they use in the reasoning book and trinity brochure actually don't have to do with the trinity doctrine. They seem to confuse the trinity doctrine with modalism as do many christians who profess this belief.


  • Narkissos
  • LouBelle

    you get god the father, god the son and god the holy ghost. These are 1 but 3, can work as the whole or in different roles at the same time ... or not. S I M P L E

    You also get different types of Jehovah - I don't have the list with me, but it's like Jehovah Riva - which is health --- something along those lines - it breaks the different characteristics up under the Jehovah banner.

  • Chalam


    God is Spirit John 4:24

    The Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:30

    The Spirit of Jesus is the Holy Spirit Galatians 4:6 and the same Spirit Of God Romans 8:14-16

    Jesus is God Philippians 2:5-7

    Jesus is God with us Matthew 1:23

    All the best,


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Okay well first of all I'll go look at the thread Narkissos posted.

    Second: Huh??? So Jesus IS Jah.

    So if Jesus IS Jah, then why does Jesus say Authority was given to him? Shouldn't he just Have authority??

  • leavingwt

    The audio files below were helpful to me in understanding what the Trinity doctrine is all about.

    (RealPlayer Required)


  • Chalam

    This is a great video on the subject-well worth the time

    Trinity: God Is

    All the best,


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    So if Jesus IS Jah, then why does Jesus say Authority was given to him? Shouldn't he just Have authority??

    Because as the Son, he is under the authority of the Father. Not to say that he is in any way subordinate to the Father - he just has a different role. In a most crude definition (and maybe not thebest) - "dad calls the shots"!!

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    I wrote a short essay years ago on the Watchtower Society's misrepresentation of the Trinity doctrine. It might help. Check it out here:

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