Question Box in new May KM...more spin of things to come

by TooBad TooSad 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JeffT

    I'm not a lawyer, but as a businessman I've dealt with a lot of legal issues over the years. I think this is a clear attempt to separate the "mothership" from the congregations, I also don't think it will work and it may back fire.

    A joke attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one." Similarly calling the congregations independent entities (a legal term BTW) won't make them such. A half decent lawyer will be able to connect the dots, even if they don't have logos on them. And as noted above they could be creating conditions where local groups could simply declare independence.

    They'd be better off to address the actual issues, but they've never done so before, I wouldn't expect them to now.

  • sammielee24

    I think this is a case of "Legal" calling the shots.They want no connection should child abuse cases,or any other problem, result in expensive lawsuits.

    Watch out Congo. Elders you are on your own!



    Excellent!! Elders can't afford to be sued - as they start to realize that the society has abandoned them, they will fall like flies. I'm sure we all know the quandry on an emotional level that will hit elders if suits start flying in - they'll be torn between doing what Jehovah want's but then they'll be torn by financial and legal implications of being on their own. Elders have lost ground in court already regarding clergy privilege in judicial and other matters, numbers are falling and book sales dropping - the best news would be KH's closing up because the society has abandoned the flock. sammieswife.

  • Quirky1

    This raises a question with me. Since the Watchtower & The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses are to be two separate entities, will they change their website? After all, they are linked together and reference each other, not separately but as being the same.

  • undercover

    Such use of the organization's logos may cause confusion for public officials, publishers, and others about the legal affiliatiion of the congregation with the organization's legal entities.

    The bigger question is...

    If there is to be a distinction between the "legal entities" and the congregations, where does the money go that is raised through the congregations? How do the "legal entities" operate if not part of the organizational structure that includes the division that procures the vast majority of funds?

  • BluesBrother

    "On Kingdom Hall signs" etc...That may be difficult for the Assembly Hall at Surrey , U K . The big white tower in the background is clearly a Watchtower when you see it for real..Quite a job to disguise it..

    So they want to own the hall but not be responsible for what goes on there or what is said by those who worship there and take everything they say from the WTS....Hmmm..

  • sammielee24

    Is there a list of corporate members? sammieswife.

  • undercover

    Seems to me that this logo business shouldn't have ever gotten to this point as we see in Scripture:

    You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

    You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and fourth generation of those who reject me...

  • minimus

    I resigned as an elder and was VERY worried that somehow I could be sued by someone. The WBTS does not want to have any affiliation with its members.

  • snowbird

    The WT is quite adept at literary legerdemain or prestidigitation.

    Can you tell I've been helping my g'daughter practice her spelling?



  • rutheeker

    I know there are bigger issues about the "why" being discussed and I'm VERY curious too.....but on a small side note...
    that's A LOT of work that will have to be done to "remove" WT logo's!!!!

    I had a discussion with my spouse about MAYBE this might wake up my family that something weird is going on with the society!
    OR at least maybe a chance for conversation BUT he brought up a good point - they will probably twist this into:

    "the end is coming and the society is protecting them and the kingdom hall so it's not so easily identifiable or more plain so the building will go un-noticed when bad guys comes to shut down religion".

    lol...amusing yet sad cause he's probably right.

    Anyways, just had to get that written and out of my head.

    Thanks, Ruth :)

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