How Long Have you Been Out of the Witnesses ? Have you Moved On ?

by flipper 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    It has been over 10 years for me that I had any connection with wtbs, I didn't even realize how far I've gone until few days ago I had a chance to roast my cousin on a slow fire, made me feel like a Satan with a pitchfork. The thing is nowadays wtbs ever crosses my mind, in fact I probably wouldn't even be here today but have to take it ease for few weeks, doctor's orders .. so between some light hiking and visiting local thingies here I'm just killing some time. But in all seriousness wtbs is a long gone history. You know that when you are no longer angry about it but find it all rather humorous.

  • flipper

    DISMAYED- I was a born in like you, 44 years in it from birth. Got out 5 years ago. You were not stupid by staying in the witness cult. You were " cult mind controlled " like all of us my friend. It can happen to the most intelligent people out there. If you get a chance I highly suggest reading " Combatting Cult Mind Control " and "Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves " by Steve Hassan. It will help you to understand HOW you were sucked into a mind control cult and it will enable you to forgive yourself and overcome any guilt or fear that remains. Just look at your spending time on the ex-witness boards as therapy for your soul. Manyof us have been where you are and are here to help and support you. Hang in there, it takes time but things will get better, I promise.

    SCARRED for LIFE- Very good point you made about how the JW's made us all feel ignorant about anything not in the witnesses. Actually we were intelligent people ; just " cult mind controlled" by a system of words , thoughts, catch phrases and manipulations. The WT society stole our independent thinking ability outside their " little square box ". Thanks for the encouraging words to Dismayed ! That was cool ! There are so many more newbies coming out of the witnesses now - it's great !

    PARAKEET- That is fantastic your life moved on over the last 30 years ! It sounds like you have a great husband and family ! I'm so happy for you. And that you got your masters degree and got educated in higher learning . You truly overcame the WT societies hold on you.

    TREADCLIMBERMASTER- That is awful how the elders and their wives treated that older disabled sister ! They truly are bastards ! I was a born in too, so I'm glad you got out. You were not a " big dummy " as you phrased it by being taken in by a " mind control cult " . We all were taken in by them . I was in 44 years- finally got out 5 years ago. One thing that might help you to move on and get over the guilt of being sucked in is Steve Hassan's books . If you read those it will help you to understand how you were able to be conned into the witnesses. And why you had hardships leaving. The 2 books are " Combatting Cult Mind Control " and " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves. " I highly suggest you check into those. It will help. Good luck on your life progressing forward ! Hang in there !

    HOMEROVAH- You are one of my favorite posters on this board as you always have great advice, show sincere and authentic caring for people and what they are going through on any given day. You help the new ones to understand why they are going through things after exiting the witnesses , and like me being a born in you have a lot of experience in how you have moved on in your life which you can share with the newbies here. I have great admiration for you - and how you roll and operate. Peace bro. Keep hanging in there with JW relatives. I have them too, it's tough some times dealing with them.

    ZAGOR- I'm glad you've been out 10 years. I agree that a sense of humor helps over the years about how crazy the witnesses are. Of course lots of people are being hurt still by this mind control cult and don't know it - until they get the shaft personally from elders or others inside. But those of us who have been out for awhile can be a strength to people newly exiting now ! Glad you got out my friend- keep hving a happy life

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I'd like to express my admiration and respect to Mr. Flipper for his caring and compassionate work that he has put forth

    on this forum, your honest portrayal as a warm and compassionate person is admirable and the mark of a true humanitarian.

    A role model for others to take notice and follow to be sure.

    Cheers Mr. Flipper and peace out

  • flipper

    HOMEROVAH- Thanks for the kind words, they are greatly appreciated. I've never considered myself a role model though - just a voice in the wind who cares about people being allowed to think free again and not be controlled by cults. I saw what it did to me and my relationships with family over 44 years - I want to help people avoid the same pitfalls. Appreciate your thoughts, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • dismayed

    Thanks Mr. Flip and Scarred for Life for your kind words and encouragement. I second Homer's motion as I have come across many threads in my short time here and have seen firsthand how Mr. Flipper takes the time to answer just about everyone!

    I have read Releasing the Bonds, but had to turn it back in to the library. Funny, as I read it I was thinking of how to apply it to my family, yet completey overlooked how it applied to me personally. I'll have to get my own copy for further reference.

  • flipper

    DISMAYED- You are more than welcome my friend. We all have a challenging time exiting the witness cult - however reading books like Steve Hassan's books on cult mind control can help us heal and educate ourselves to not hurt as much. At least I found that in my personal experience. That is great you were reading Releasing the Bonds ! Keep it up. It will help you. Good luck to you on moving on in your life ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    I'm getting ready to start a thread in regards to the years each of you said on my " how long have you been out of the witnesses " thread of when you exited. I've noticed an interesting trend which shows people seem to be exiting more so since 1995 . I'll see you on the next thread

  • Quandry

    I'd like to express my admiration and respect to Mr. Flipper for his caring and compassionate work that he has put forth

    on this forum, your honest portrayal as a warm and compassionate person is admirable and the mark of a true humanitarian.

    A role model for others to take notice and follow to be sure.

    I second that.

    Plus, I wanted to get this thread back to the top as we have some new ones "on board" and they may benefit by knowing how others have dealt with "moving on" from the JWs.

    It is very hard at first to come to grips with the fact that this organization just may not be all it is self-proclaimed to be.......

  • flipper

    QUANDRY- Thanks for the nice words. It's appreciated. Thank you for moving the thread back to the top so people can share experiences of how they have moved on after being in the Jehovah's Witnesses . It is hard to move on but seeing how others have done it successfully can make a person feel not so alone in their new journey in life ! Any and all comments welcome ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • abbydear

    Hello Flipper,

    I'm new here, but have been lurking for awhile. I have been out for a couple of years and have moved on for sure. My spiritual life has been a mess. I am trying to pull it together somewhat, time will tell.

    My loss of faith in God has been the hardest issue in my life. I can't seem to find a place in "Christendom", nor do I fit in with atheists. So, for now I am just existing in "don't know" land. I know that I am not alone, so that is comforting.


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