Something creepy during a study

by kurtbethel 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock
    I got out of one Christian forum today because of their arrogance and hated me quoting NWT to them and telling them some scriptual knowledge which has contradicted them with their own scriptur translations.

    I'm Sure you did.

    Or it could heve been you being arrogant sharing your "scriptual knowledge". Ever STOP and think the NWT might be the one in the wrong?

  • Mosesjoel

    I am fully understood now, why after 1000 year reign so many will turn their backs to Jehovah and side with Satan,

    I could say Christianity is one big cult also

    Pentacosts, Catholics, Mormon, 7th Day etc

    For me I just want to know what the Bible really teaches but I guess most just don't really care now adays.

    Find it good to find fault and do what mankind is good at, that is contradict eachother and make God a devine laughing-stock

    I don't want to be like that, but I guess most do.

    I will stay at home in the year 3,000 and something , when you lot decide to thave a demonstration against Jehovah lol.

  • ninja

    did you read it carefully moses....I don't think you did

  • leavingwt

    For me I just want to know what the Bible really teaches

    I'm sorry if we're light years ahead of you.

    We've been there and done that.

    Enjoy it.

  • ninja

    tut tut...naughty moses

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    If the "truth" really was the "truth" Do you really think that we would have left the "truth"?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Welcome to the forum. If you want to join Jehovah's Witnesses, by all means, join them. Then you and your wife can look at your non-JW family, friends, neighbors, and children that Jehovah will slaughter right before your eyes... and lol.

    Then you can be one of those "lovely ordinary people", too.

    And technically, you're not studying the Bible, you're studying Watchtower publications. But don't get too attached to the newest study book, they're already working on its replacement. WTBTS "new light" ages so quickly.

    B the X

  • reniaa

    hi moses

    this site is an ex-witness site it will not offer you much scriptural debate because it's pretty closed shop. If you want a more free for all forum usually scriptural debates but be warned it's less moderated so a little more rough and ready, but a good showing from all opinions and sides this is my usual stomping ground.

  • PrimateDave

    It just never occurs to some of these forum lurkers (and newbie posters; Welcome Mosesjoel!) that many of us spent years of our lives going to the Hall and Preaching door to door. I was raised by Witness parents who are still in, father an elder and mother a some time pioneer. I got baptised at 15 as expected. I participated fully, became a ministerial servant, conducted book studies, read the Watchtower, gave other parts on meetings, handled various assignments, etc.

    But I had various doubts that I brushed aside until I finally decided to verify matters in my mind once and for all. Not knowing where my search would eventually take me, I started with the internet and the website Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses put up by Timothy Campbell. Following his recommendation, I then read two books, Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz and Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Friedman. Then I spent a lot of time reading at the Talk Origins website. There was more after that, but by then the course was set. I left the congregation for good.

    So, you (Mosesjoel and others) see, like leavingwt said above, we're way ahead of YOU. Been there, done that. That little bit of "righteous indignation" that you and Reniaa bring to this discussion board is rather amusing.


  • still_in74


    many people feel that as long as a person gets what they want out of a religion it is okay, thus they are offended when some attack a faith/relgion. Dont get me wrong, i respect that opinion - if a person is geniunely happy as a JW they SHOULD stay a JW !

    the problem however, is that the WTS is a cult, and while some enjoy the lifestyle, many are trapped in it by the fundamentalist extremes that the WTS takes when someone within their ranks decides they dont want to be a JW anymore.

    JW's want you to respect their right to be JW's, but no JW in the world will respect the right of another JW who wants to leave. Stick around JW's long enough and you will hear them badmouth former friends who have left, even joke about how they will die at armagedon. Dont beleive me? Stick around my friend, you will here much more offensive words spoken by JW's about EVERY OTHER RELIGION on the planet, about ex-JW's and about every human being that isnt a JW than you will hear here. Stick around.......

    BTW - I am an active JW - I KNOW what I am talking about...

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