Will there be Electricity in the "NEW SYSTEM"?

by african GB Member 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere


    Technology defined as: Two or more components joined together by artificial means.

  • shamus100


    You're inferring that there will be no sex too? NEW LIGHT, NEW LIGHT!

  • Elsewhere

    > You're inferring that there will be no sex too?

    G'it it while you can!!!!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I could live like Little House on the Praerie," but need medicine that only electricity can make. We all need meds that are made by using electricity. I would have died of appendicitis at 18 and cancer at 30 if we didn't have it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I heard that technology was whatever you used as a tool to get something accomplished.

  • shamus100

    White dove.... you're so silly...

    We're all going to be 'perfect'! You will never have appendicitis or cancer!

    Of course, you're probably going to fall off one of those waterfalls sooner than later...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, of course! Unless I trip over one of those mountains. They look sharp and cold with snow caps. Yuck. Won't all of that fruit give everyone the runs? Who knows enough technology to make toilet paper? Hmm?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Okay, I meant fall of one of those sharp, cold, ice capped mountains. Someone in the art department must live in Der Schweitzs. Can't spell, sorry.

  • JWdaughter

    I've had this conversation with JWs before. In the new system, when we are perfect, we will find a way to meet all our needs in a most perfect way that will give us our cake and let us eat it too. Because, otherwise, it wouldn't be perfect, would it? So, there is some ideal, 100% non-impactful way to achieve every expectation. Or we will all be happy Amish types. Or something.

    Then they start talking about world travels(who is manufacturing the boats/airplanes/cars? Or riding a horse (do you think horses will think it's paradise if you are strapping a saddle on them and riding them? I don't think so!). Or walking everywhere (hey, you have eternity!). Why travel the world if it is all a natural paradise. Remember the stories we learned in the old talks and magazines about how the earth was so different and perfect and no weird weather before the fall of man? If it is all the same, why the heck bother?

  • ninja

    there will be electricity in the new system guys.......as soon as the women see me and my lip piercing......grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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