For those who chose not to have kids--any regrets?

by Alpaca 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    When I was younger I didn't really have any second thoughts about deciding not to have kids.

    When I think about the great relationship I had with my non-Dub Dad, I now wish that I had at least one child.

    The decision was based on the BORG's encouragement to put "spiritual interests" ahead of personal interests. This is just one more of the long-lasting detriments to my life caused by the BORG.

  • garybuss

    I'll bump your thread. I have 4 sons and one grandson and I'm extremely glad I had the four I have. There have been challenges and sometimes grief, but it's been worth it for the blessings.

  • jamiebowers

    I don't regret not having children of my own, but I have stepkids. I'm so happy to have their kids as grandkids.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    After many years of waiting and being lectured about responsible child bearing we went ahead and had kids. So glad I did. All of our friends that had kids told us how horrible it would be when they got to be teens. It was terrible for them raising kids in the organization with no real meaningful expectation but lots of rules which naturally got broken. It's been a great experience for us. I would have been very very bitter had I not had them. Have you noticed they are not discouraging families as much now? I hope you can get into a place to have one child if that's what you want, men have a longer time to think about it.

  • JWdaughter

    I'm sorry you are having second thoughts. I hope you can alter that decision, but if not, there are a lot of kids who need responsible adults in their life that you could love, whether they are in a program or a family member. You could nourish a long term relationship with a child who needs you.

    Even on bad days, I can't regret my kids. I can't imagine the world without any of them.

  • slimboyfat

    Germaine Greer famously regrets her decision to remain childless.

    At the moment I don't want children. That might change but I don't see it.

  • jwfacts

    I have two step kids that I love, but missed out on having the experience of a baby. Last year I had my first child, Zac, who just turned one. There is nothing greater than having a child and I encourage everyone to have one. It is in our nature to bear children and shameful for the Watchtower to encourage otherwise.

    Zac Grundy 1 year old

  • rebel8

    Not a week goes by that I don't think to myself how glad I am I didn't have kids.

  • Roski

    beautiful baby...

  • Mary

    I regret it big time.

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