Skeptic vs. Creationist

by leavingwt 41 Replies latest members adult

  • leavingwt

    "Michael Shermer of the Skeptics Society interviews Answers in Genesis’s star young earth creationist Georgia Purdom (who has a Ph.D. in molecular genetics from Ohio State University), at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY on February 18, 2009." (via LGF)

  • leavingwt

    As I watched this, I could see how my previous JW sermons must have sounded to outsiders. The young earth creationist being interviewed is 100-percent, blindly invested in the notion that the "days" in Genesis are a literal 24 hours. She believes the the Universe is 6,000 years old.

    I realize that JWs are no longer young earth creationists, but we were 100-percent invested in other ideas that were completely Looney Tunes.

  • leavingwt


    This is must-see TV.

  • drwtsn32
    but we were 100-percent invested in other ideas that were completely Looney Tunes.

    My JW mom insists that the Grand Canyon was carved by the flood. But that same flood also pushed up mountains. Sigh....

    I'll watch this video when I get home; thanks for posting it.

  • leavingwt


  • besty

    good find LWT

    I got to 5 minutes in and the creationist PhD lost me with "the dead don't rise, virgins don't give birth, so you can't pick and choose what your believe. IT'S INCONSISTENT"

    Never let the evidence get in the way of a good story - she is in deep.

  • leavingwt

    Besty, she was just getting warmed up. Watch the whole thing!


  • drwtsn32

    Wow, finally watched this. She just doesn't even consider the possibility that she is interpreting scripture. I guess no Christians really think they are, but it was just wild to watch.

    Shermer's a really nice guy... I met him at a Skeptic's convention last year. I don't think I could have remained as calm as he did. I really need to work on that. haha

  • besty

    Shermer started to develop the thought of Bible endorsed slavery and also that Christians 200 years ago believed in the sub-humanity of blacks.

    She couldn't see the contradiction between these literal bible teachings, her modern liberalist view on slavery and equal rights and her belief in a 6000 year young earth.

    I guess time prevented him from fully developing these thoughts.

    Frightening that a significant proportion of Americans concur with her.

  • Seeker4

    She is scary blind to how scary blind she is! You start with the Bible and go off with the absolute belief that you must ignore anything that doesn't agree with a literal interpretation of it. Whew! No science being done by that girl!

    Her, "these are just the interpretations of men" comments are so JW!


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