ExJWs either BAs or atheists -- do you agree?

by parakeet 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm a neo-pagan polytheist.

  • shamus100

    I don't agree with your conclusions.

    Many born-agains here were never witnesses; just affected by spouses who were. Others, I question weather they were ever witnesses anyways - those pushing agenda's like they're own religion. Or just off the wall weirdo's. (j.c. cannon, etc.)

    Most are athiest; the others are moderates; a few are extreme.

  • StAnn

    I've noticed that, although a lot of ex-JWs reject the WTS claim that they are the one true religion, they don't reject all of the teachings of the WTS, i.e., that "religion is a snare and a racket." I classify the WTS as a hate group and they mostly hate Catholicism, followed closely by the rest of Christianity. Many people leave the JWs but continue to carry their hatred and prejudice with them.

    I'm Catholic, so is NanaR, Kenneson, Tom Cabeen, JSchwehm, and a few other regular posters on here.


  • LayingLow

    I think that the most vocal are the ones who have become BAs or atheists. Going off of your experience is biased since your sample data comes from observations of people who post on here. That is like doing an observation on a volunteer survey, the people who volunteer tend to bias the results. You would need a truly random sample of exJw's to determine that.

  • tenyearsafter

    Not to be a nitpicker, but I agree with Jaguarbass...I don't think you can separate BA from most of the Christian denominations. Maybe BA is thought of as the more fervent Pentecostal denominations, but in reality they all are BA when they accept Jesus into their lives. I think ex-JW's that continue to worship as a Christian gravitate towards the Evangelical movements since there is still a lot of the moral and structural familiarity they had as JW's.

  • parakeet

    Thanks all, for your replies. It does look as though no generalizations about exJWs can be made without an in-depth study, which I'm not willing to do and am not sure can be done. Way too many variables that would have to be accounted for.

  • Athanasius

    Most of the ex-JWs that I know are non-religious. The Watchtower experience soured them on all religion it seems. As for myself, I was confirmed in the Episcopal (Anglican) Church in April 1991.

  • done4good

    I am agnostic. I don't consider that even similar to atheist. It's not some weak, mealy-mouthed position, as many atheists consider it to be, either.

    It is honest. I don't know IF god or gods exist. Science and empiracal evaluation do not support the existence of such, but nor do they disprove it.

    Life is a learning experience. Approach things that way, and you will realize what really makes people happy.


  • FlyingHighNow

    There are universilists of every persuasion, too. I'm an Episcopalian Universalist. Don't forget your Buddhists. Danks leaned towards Buddhism. Then there are the pagans and those who embrace Native American spirituality. I love Native American beliefs.

    I'd have to say I think the BA isn't that big a deal among those who leave the org. My observations just from this board are born ins tend towards atheism or Christian.

  • Finally-Free

    I'm a Fundamentalist Roccoist. I sacrifice my bananas and cashews to him and bathe him in Holy Water.

    OK, I'm kidding. I'm more of a casual Catholic. I was raised Catholic, so I'll go to church a few times a year when I'm in the mood. Since I was baptized as a Ukrainian Catholic I celebrate Christmas and Easter twice because the Ukrainian version falls on a different day. That means more goodies for me.


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