Meetings No more !

by NEWWORLDSLACKER 19 Replies latest jw friends


    I dont go to meetings anymore! .....big breakthrough for me !
    I have tryed the slow fade but that just seems to make my wife think that I am going to go to every meeting......So I have decided to go cold turkey , and it is hard . Have any of you felt this way ? I feel as though I am missing somthing. But I know Im not . please give me some support please . this is the only place I can talk freely .

    P.S. I dont have any non jw friends , how would you go about making friends outside the org. ? thaks in advance N.w.S.

  • siegswife

    Yehaaaa!!! Good for you! It won't be easy, but you CAN do it. Relax or do some things that you've been wanting to do around the house and could never find the time for.

  • blondie

    Go back to school in the evening. Find new friends as you learn.

  • LB

    I did the slow fade at first, but at some point in time you have to do just what you did. Now the trick may be to fade away, become inactive. What is difficult (I have this problem) is to keep your mouth shut around people. That's if you want to maintain some sort of acceptance in the JW community.

    Making non JW friends wasn't that difficult. I started volunteering for little jobs at school, helping out with various things such as sports and other activities. Before you know it these horrible worldly people accept you and surprisinly, they seldom spend a lot of time judging you.


    You know, my house has never looked better . Just think of all the things I can take care of now !! I might go back to school !! N.w.S.

  • LB

    Oh and I do love your handle, I think you'll find all the friends you want. Great sense of humor.

  • Eyebrow

    I am curious if your wife is going to leave as well. Be careful, I think cold turkey may be good for you to get away from the meetings, but it may not be good for your marriage UNLESS you have discussed it with your wife. It is very difficult, but I am hoping you can leave without it destroying your marriage.

    Good luck!

  • belbab

    Yes, I suggest the same. Fill in the time with something else, volonteer for something, soup kitchens, visit sick in hospitals, or worse come to worse, spend time here on the board. If you do something worthwhile, then your wife cannot think you are wasting your time at home, but you are doing something constructive for others. belbab

  • Satanus


    Work freinds, nieghbors. Just fully accept and love yourself. Then be a friend to others, and you will have many. They come like flys to honey.


  • jayhawk1

    Hello Newworldslacker,
    It is very hard to go inactive and stay that way when you have a wife who is active. I don't have experience in that department, because I am not married just yet. My fiancee is not a JW, thank gawd. My advise to you is don't let on to your wife or relatives that you don't plan on going anymore. Shunning will result, and possably a broken marriage. Perhaps moderation is needed, you might have no choice but to go sometimes, just to keep the peace. This was the case with my late father. Before he died, he was constantly harrassing me about going to the Kingdom Hall. The only way I could satisfy him was to go about twice a month, and turn in a couple hours of service time each month. It does not matter if you are ever seen in service, because the elders are either too old or too busy to notice. Finally, try to relax, because the world is not ending. I guarantee tomorrow is just another day, and there is no such thing as this old system, and the new system to come.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

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