I Finally Understand the Kingdom Hall Scam

by jamiebowers 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • watson

    As an organization, I wonder what makes the most sense, operationally, legally, etc. Congregation owned or organization owned?

  • Finally-Free
    They give because if they don't they might be viewed as weak.

    Yes, I was always viewed as "weak". I was also counseled numerous times for having "financial problems". It's not that I was having serious financial problems. I wasn't rich, but I wasn't poverty stricken either. I could afford to go to 5 star restaurants any time I wanted. I just never donated any money to the hall or the society.

    I didn't refuse to donate because I was poor. I refused to donate because they were irresponsible with the money. For example, they bought an oak door for the front of the hall for over $3,000 back in the early nineties. They also removed the canopy which would have protected it from the elements. In less than a year it looked like crap. I won't support that kind of waste.



  • shamus100


    They actually counselled you for not donating?

  • Finally-Free

    Shamus, they didn't actually come out and say it. Most JWs don't have the balls to do that. It was implied. Other than my not making donations, they had no reason to think I was having financial difficulties.


  • Bangalore

    Bttt. Quite interesting info.


  • moshe

    KH's that own their KH could become independent from the WT rulers- so better to convince them that they need a new KH, sell the old (paid in full) and then get that money donated back to WT as a down payment for a new and bigger KH (with fewer meetings , it is easy to put three cong's in one KH now)- borrow thew extra money from the Society, but this time the society retains title and deed to the new KH. Nice scam. I remeber when my old Cong built it's KH, they sold the old one and took a temp loan from a wealthy brother- built the new one and then went to a local bank an obtained a loan for $10,000 to pay the brother back. I assume this KH is paid for 30+ years later- it's still in use today by a very small congregation.

  • Balaamsass
  • Dogpatch

    I agree with Lee:

    I used to ask myself the same question. Who benefits? Then I figured it out. It doesn't matter that no one person benefits financially from the money the WTS rakes in. At this point they are making money to make money - the gathering of gold and silver. Reminds me of some Scribes and Pharisees that Christ spoke about.

    The hunger for power is always tied up in money. It's just a matter of how clever the organization in particular is to utilize the scam.

    The entire purpose of most organizations is to preserve the organization. The benefit to the scammers? Power and prestige. A greater ego that they could not attain otherwise, a very strong drug. Much more powerful than mere money. In Christian lingo, it's like making a deal with the devil.

    Few understand that. Read a few books on scammer organizations (not necessarily religious). Power (often collective/shared) is the most powerful of all drugs.


  • Balaamsass

    "Power (often collective/shared) is the most powerful of all drugs."Randy


  • apostatethunder

    They are shameless.

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