Fade vs. Disassociation - What's your reason?

by Nellie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nellie

    After sending my disfellowshipped sister-in-law a Valentine's card last week, she sent me an email. Imagine my surprise! After 15 years of being disfellowshipped, she told me that she reinstated one month ago. Then she spent the next two days "encouraging" me to "return to Jehovah." One of the things she asked me was why hadn't I disassociated myself. Here's some of my response:

    The reason why I haven't disassociated myself is simple - If someone from the congregation wants to continue associating with me, I don't want them to feel like they are disobeying the rules in order to do so. The word apostate according to the dictionary means someone who has changed their religious beliefs. That is the apostate understanding that I accept. (And according to that, anyone who wasn't raised a witness would also be an apostate, because they've changed their beliefs to become a witness.) Now, I'm not boycotting any kingdom halls with picket signs, nor am I sharing my new thoughts with anyone who is a witness, unless specifically asked by them. It is not my desire to change anyone else's feelings about the organization. I'm not sure how you could question why my choice to leave would be a difficult one. Interestingly, you said that if my new found findings were the truth, then I would not have had to wrestle them. I say, how could it not be?! I left the only religion I've ever know and potentially lost all the friends I've ever had. I wasn't disfellowshipped because of wrongdoing, and I didn't leave because I wanted to pursue any wrongdoing. I left because I accepted my new found findings. I did so with the full understanding of everything that I was going to have to give up. It's the members and/or the organization who put the label apostate on me because I no longer agree with some of the understandings. So, here are my only questions for you to ask yourself. Why did you feel that you left Jehovah when you were disfellowshipped? If he doesn't belong only to the witnesses, why will all non-believers, according to their understanding, be destroyed at Armageddon? You said that you decided to rededicate yourself to Jehovah, so why did it also include being a witness? What way could you have rededicated yourself to Jehovah without being a witness? Please don't feel compelled to answer these questions to me. I just want you to understand that according to the Witnesses, there is no other way - it's their way or out. I had no choice but to leave.

    What did you decide, and why?

  • tooktheredpill


    In my case, I decided to fade with my wife. As I don't believe in the Borg anymore, I don't mind to DA. But both our families are still in. Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins...

    Many believe that we are "spiritually weak"... And we prefer that they continue believing that.


  • Nellie

    I can understand. Fortunately for us, we're not close to the family we have left in and we live in a different state. So basically, what they don't know won't hurt us. They really couldn't talk to us any LESS anyway. They're family in name only.

  • jws

    Likewise, I pulled the veil back, looked behind the curtain, and found the organization wasn't what it claimed to be. The message we always brought to others was, "if the religion you're in is teaching the wrong stuff, leave it". I followed that advice and left.

    I did not seek to pull any of the people I knew away. And I also had family in. So I did not want to be DF/DA.

    My feelings have changed over the years. I DO want to pull people away. Or at least the people I care about. I know I can't and in some cases, more harm than good would be done. But I hope to help where I can. I had a niece that was struggling. She wasn't active. She had married a "worldly" guy. But she still felt she was a JW and felt guilty for not going to meetings and not being an active JW. I helped her free her mind of that and made her more comfortable with her life and herself. With them, I tend to keep my mouth shut until they broach the subject. Then, I'll provide help.

  • wobble

    I'm in a similar position to you guys,loads of family still in,I would like to help some to see the truth about Da Troof,family and others,but it is such a dodgy road to travel,if you are trying to avoid being DF'd or DA'd as I am.

    Yesterday I may have gone way too far,I went to see a Bro,old friend who used to give me some work,I was hoping he had something for me,but we got on to why my wife and I don't go anymore. Oh boy he now knows I don't believe in 1914,1919 Doctrine,Blood doctrine,FDS, etc.etc.

    It wouldn't matter with some,but this guy is a gossip.Ho Hum,wait and see what happens,wait a moment! Is that two stern faced Elders I see walking up my driveway?

    No,phew, its O.K it's just the debt collectors.



  • garybuss

    Fade vs. Disassociation - What's your reason?

    I walked away (faded?) by accident right after I noticed the 1975 campaign was a scam set up, and after I became sick of being disrespected by the Witness people. I disassociated on purpose after I was snubbed and shunned after 18 years in 1992 for walking away in 1974.

    I fought accepting the shunning from 1992 until January of 1996 when I went public with my story. I like things the way they are now. I don't welcome any contact at all from those who have disrespected me and my family in the past. This is the way it will all end.

  • civicsi00

    I faded because I still have family in. Thankfully, it has helped. I've been able to help two family members out, and there's still work to be done. If the day comes that the elders DF me (they haven't stopped by in over 6 months, but the next time they do, I'll be ready), then I will have to face the shunning. But in no way is that going to slow me down. People deserve to know if the building is on fire.

  • Quirky1

    I suggest fading just because you do not have to play by their rules. On the other hand, I would have DA'd if I didn't think it would hurt my wifes feelings and her parents association.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Actually, early on in the process, I had no idea what 'fading' meant. I have always been the 'either you're 100% or 0%' kind of guy anyway.

    Several factors, including my need/desire to say what I know/feel/think affected my choice in this regard. My mouth is too big not to say what I knew. I was too damned old to teach a different style. Still, the elders basically left me alone for three years, then invited me to bring my own rope to the lynching. I declined and sent them a DA letter.

    I have only a few living relatives still in the cult, so that helped me to retain free-speech without as much worry as many. I am also sure that it is damned clear to the elders that I will tolerate zero interference with my wife. They know me well enough to know that I would cut off their heads [figuratively of course in the press and public eye] if they so much as show up or call her for any reason. Her reason for staying Jw in name only [she knows what I know and hates the cult as much as I do, and would never go back], is that her aging mother and a couple other relatives are still in, and she wants to maintain contact with them.

    I miss those whom I thought of as friends, but know that friendship is not possible among them in any realistic way.

    If given a choice, I would change nothing in my case. I don't hide my conduct/opinions/views/ideas ever. I say what I know. I live to the standards that I believe are correct for me.

    I am a nice guy. Not an evil sinning apostate they want to paint. But I can't change their opinions.

    I can, though, as an official Apostate, tell the assholes who shun me to kiss my evil ass, not on the left cheek, not on the right, but squarely on the little brown 666 in the middle.


  • Dagney

    I pretty much refuse to personally take on a label they created. "Inactive, DA'd, apostate," no...I don't think so.

    I am living my life, and if I want to change religions, or read a book, or go on a website, I have the right and freedom to do so. And they can't take that away. I also see the benefit of not carrying the label for the reasons previously stated.

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