Did You Hate Going In Service???

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    what on earth was there to like?!

    yet another opportunity to wear
    uncomfortable clothes, to drag
    reticent kids around, to feel unprepared
    unworthy, and to get stuck with sistah
    rigteous-over-much for 3 hours in the rurals!!

    sign me up! (for a frontal lobotomy)

  • StAnn

    I didn't enjoy the "witnessing" but I did enjoy the socialization with the other people from the cong. I used to make snickerdoodles and bring them along. And often we'd go to Bob Evans on Sunday after service. It sure sucked in the summertime, though, when I was with a poor pioneer who didn't have air conditioning in her car!


  • Robert7

    Only went once a month because my wife made me go, and to have a token number of hours. I resented losing my one day a week to sleep in and have a day off.

    I also saw how fruitless the effort was, and how inefficient it all was. Would spend over 3 hours from when we started getting ready in the morning till we got home, and talk only to a handful number of people at most.

    Many times we would work with another couple with kids so we could do return visits, and take a very long break, and still count 2 hours.

    What a waste of time.

  • Quirky1

    Oh yeah, I really enjoyed getting the door slamed in my face...LOL

  • minimus

    We had an old Rutherfordite in our Hall who LOVED door knocking and bell ringing. He would persevere until they answered. No hiding but homes with him!

  • donny

    Yes I hated it. But one of the brothers and me found a great way to waste time doing our return visits. We would visit one on our lists that was in the northern most area of our territory and then we would would next visit one who was in the southern most area. We did this back and forth until we had about 4 or 5 hours in. This gave us about 20 hours a month so we could be viewed as exemplerary ministerial servants.


  • tenyearsafter

    I dreaded every moment...I never felt I accomplished anything and always felt that I was disturbing people. At the end, I never used literature...I just shared a scriptural thought and that felt a bit better, but I never felt "good".

  • Magwitch

    I always HATED service! My first 21 years of life I prayed for windy Saturdays so we would not have to go out ( My father wore a toupee). The next 20 years I pretended an interest in sex with my (yawn) ex husband on Saturday morning - anything to get out of the misery.


    "We had an old Rutherfordite in our Hall who LOVED door knocking and bell ringing. He would persevere until they answered. No hiding but homes with him!"............................................................................Minimus..LOL!!..Some of those Old Dudes would hunt you down,to preach!!..LOL!!............Are we getting Old,to be able to Remember that?..LOL!!

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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