I am sooo ashamed!

by moman 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    I'm not ashamed at all. I feel sad for the JW's that are still in. But I'm not ashamed for my experience. I hope to use it to educated others about cults and the dangers they can present.


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    I am totally with Xena on this one. You know, I think you should be a little bit proud that little ole you escaped the clutches of one of the most powerful mind-manipulating organisations on earth today. They pitted against you thousand of drones, billions of dollars & powerful control techniques - and you still eventually saw through it all! Ashamed? Hah! Damn it if I'm not proud to make your (virtual) acquaintance!

    Oh Xena, I didn't give ALL my vices up....

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • target

    I don't feel ashamed. I feel stupid and I think I will feel embarrassed when I have to admit it to some worldly relatives that we were so wrong for 30 long years!! And yes, it did get us to quit smoking. We had been trying to quit before that and would have succeeded sooner or later anyhow. I do feel a LOT wiser now


  • jaded

    I'm with target on this one. I feel stupid and embarrassed. Wasted what should have been the best 25 years of my life. It really hurts to admit it, but that is the only way to move on.

  • TR

    ....trying to get rid of "woody" after seeing Xena's new pic....


    I just think it was a tragic mistake, joing the 'hovah's. It had a detrimental effect on me that lasts to this day. I used to be very huggy and affectionate to all people. Now, I'm distant and find it hard to get close to people, even my own kids. It's something I think about everyday. I wish I could turn back the clock.

    I'm trying to change, but it's hard. I have to force myself to show affection to my kids, and my family. It makes me mad, and I feel that time is slipping away.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    We have all wasted a valuable part of our life for the Collective, and I too regret that. But shame? THEY were the ones that ABUSED us. THEY were the ones that used LIES, FRAUD & MANIPULATION to gain control. So yes I can and do regret the wasted time but I can NEVER be ashamed to be a victim. Victims are INNOCENT, the guilt lies ENTIRELY WITH BORG CENTRAL.

    I try & think I took away something positive (eg, stronger, quit cigs etc) because it is both true and cathartic. It helps me heal. Maybe the healing process takes a different course for others. But everyone here is helping others not to become future victims by their postings - so well done. I'm glad to be here.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • chester

    I am with Mr Ben on this.

    I am just glad I came to my senses and got out. Thanks to the internet and access to information.

    I feel sorry for the ones who are still in and refuse to see this religion for what it is... a mind controlling cult.


  • toddy

    I've been trying to quit smoking for years,prehaps the answer is to become a witness

  • ted_and_jackie

    It is sooo normal to feel ashamed.
    I was more angry at my parents when I was researching the witnesses. Angry that they were not smart enough to research when I was little. But then I had to admit, there was not an internet then and they were told reading any other literature about the WTBTS was reading apostate literature.
    Of course I felt like I would be the BIG breakthrough and show them all the WTBTS BS. Boy did that backfire on me!

    Dont move, dont change your name. Hold your head up high and be proud! :-)


  • zanex

    hey there..not much shame but tons and tons of bitter anger for a good long time and now all that has kind of molded into a cold calm sense of malice...heh heh. dont move or let ANYONE intimidate ya...strength to u...

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