Moments of Epiphany... and other touchstones in life...

by AK - Jeff 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • still_in74

    • when i realized that an 'RV' I had in the early 90's wasnt lying when he said the WTS taught in 1925 about a "house in California where dead people were going to resurrected". - an leder said that never happened
    • when i realized that the WTS actually DID suggest 1975 as the end (coincidentally first brought to my attn by the above RV almost 20 years ago - same elder told me he was lying) - never acutally volunteered a WTS spin on what he suggested, just avoided it all together
    • the day I connected the Generation change of 1995 to 81 years after 1914 and the biblical 'generation' of 70 or 80 years
    • the day about a year ago when it finally clicked - the WTS is a buiness making business deicisons based on membership retention
    • when I realized that the founders & leaders of my religion were all in some way "wierd" - Russel never consumatiing his marriage, Rutherford abusive, egomaniacal, alcoholic who abondoned his family, Franz never married & tried to predict the future
    • when I connected all major JW doctrinal changes over the past 130 years to the deaths of the then recently deceased president*
  • still_in74

    When one of the questions on the long form application to Gilead asked if I supported 100% the faithful and discreet slave and believed it to be the only channel YHWH was using.

    did that form ask you if you supported Jehovah & Jesus 100%?

  • still_in74

    The moment I had to send all the blood cards back because of a "typo" when in fact it was a change in GB ruling.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Here's a link that recently talked about that and has some other links. Basically, new AMDs were sent out as was typical but specifically said that the undersigned would refuse all allogenic blood transfusions (blood from donors), implying that they could have autologus blood (your own donated blood). They were never distributed to the congregation because an urgent letter was received prior to the SM part in which we were told to either destroy or send them back (sorry I can't remember which).

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    When I sat at the back of the KH on Sunday morning when the doctrine

    that I had hammered into my brain until it started to bleed from the age

    of 9 years old, that the generation that saw 1914 will not pass away before

    the GT, got changed in 2 or 3 paragraphs of the Watchtower and everyone

    just nodded their heads if full agreeement at the "new light" from Jehovah.

    TooBad TooSad

  • MadGiant

    Hi AK – Jeff, hope all is well:


    · The months that I compiled a chart in which, using actuarial mortality figures, in which I applied the numbers, age-group by age-group to the 'annointed' from 1941 to 2002, and saw that it was empirically impossible for 8500 to still be alive.

    Out of curiosity; do you still have that chart?

    Take care,


  • Goshawk


    At the last C.O. meeting with the elders I attended, and the C.O. reads the
    corporate order to stop encouraging and start discouraging college.

    Any chance of getting a copy of that letter?


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    When a nice, young woman I met out in field service invited me into her home. She was a very enthusiastic Christian and we had a lovely conversation about the Bible. As I left, I realized that she was just like me, except that I had the one true religion, and hers was a lie from Satan.

    When a CO gave a talk stating that JWs shouldn't expose themselves to any critique of the WT because it could cause them to leave the organization, implying "the truth" couldn't stand up to criticism.

    When I saw what a nice person one of my coworkers was, but realized that Jehovah was probably going to kill her at Armageddon.

    When I read Steven Hassan's book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control," and realized that the WT wasn't the only group who thought they had the corner on truth and everyone else was living in the dark.

    When my then father-in-law said, " 'Where else would we go?' is not a reason to stay a JW!"

  • oompa

    I only have two for sure...maybe three.....and the two gave me a feeling that were so similar that the reaction to both was almost the exact was the only two times i have ever felt this way....and if i could pray and mean it...i would pray it never happen again to me or anyone else.......i dont think i have ever shared this....

    1. my wife of many years and incredible dub of 30 hours a month while raising our two beautiful/jwperfect kids of a young age......went a bit nuts...left us....and upon return.... informed me she was pregnant....well.....needless to say....i fell down and made sounds and produced fluids i had never done before...

    2. some high up elders informed me that my research on the nwt was very good...and that...ya...we (the WT and FDS actually DID change the bible...and to me in a huge way) it happend again....i fell down (but only forward as i was in a chair)....and I "wept bitterly" an instant i knew it was all a shelf full of doubts came crashing down...i had been such a good dub and waited on jah for my doubts to someday be cleared up....hopefully with them moving towards my positions...

    3. (the maybe threes)...the letters from my dear WT/FDS that were so disturbing/ridiculous/shallow/evasive/contrary/non-revealing/un-proving/un-caring/double-speaking/unrepentant/bull shit/ that so re-confirmed the shock of item number blew up pretty damm fast............................................oompa

  • wobble

    Dear Oompa, Have you posted those replies from the WT somewhere,or could you do so please?

    I feel it is such an important eye opener for Dubs,if they will force their eyes open that is.




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