Beatles Fans

by watson 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    This has been a great thread! I have enjoyed it!


  • Dagney

    Me too! Really great.

    And I'm a Revolver fan also, probably at the top. Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, White, Sargent Peppers are a hair behind, just a hair.

    I've been diligently downloading my CD's into an iPod my family bought me. It took me a while because I was intimidated by it for some reason. But now, having all my music with me all the time is just the best thing ever, like seeing old friends again. So needless to say, having my Beatle albums with me is just great now with this thread, and thinking about people's comments.

  • watson

    The show "LOVE" has been discussed. If you are able, pick up the sound tract. George Martin and his son re mastered many classics, then pieced them together to form a fantastic new "look" at the Fab Four's music. It is not what you expect. Highly recommend.

  • undercover

    I have the "Love" album.

    I wasn't sure that I would like it before I listened to it. I mean, how can you improve on the originals? Even with modern technology? I think part of me just didn't want someone going and messing with the songs that I grew up with and could relate to at different points of my life. Kinda selfish, I guess.

    But I listened and gave it a shot.

    While not the originals, I was impressed with some of the re-productions and blending of songs. But others didn't work as well for me. But if it introduces Beatles music to a younger generation of people who aren't familiar with their catalog, then I guess it's a good thing.

    On a side note, Guitar Hero and Rock Band are introducing kids to classic rock they never would have heard. A friend of mine whose 13 year old son plays Guitar Hero took an interest in old rock songs when his dad said he listened to those bands when he was young. Now the son wants to listen to his dad's albums/tapes of those days. My 10 year old nephew loves the Rock Band AC/DC song pack.

  • watson

    Undercover, if you haven't seen Love, I hope you can get there. Blending Cirque with The Beatles is the ultimate.

  • Bubblie

    "Love" at the Mirage is a must see if you go to Vegas. It should be a requirement for all who are there. The soundtrack from the show, now has a DVD with how they put everything together for it. The orginial just had the music again with a still painting. What was that all about? When I saw the Beatles in 1966 it was before they could do things like Rubber Soul since it had so many effects but they were GREAT! Just to see them with binoculars was exciting. Wow it takes me back! Thanks for this thread.


  • FlyingHighNow

    On October 15th, 1965 I turned 7. I got birthday money and my teenaged sister took me to Gibson's Discount Center and we bought a metallic red Decca record player, The Beach Boys Live LP and my first 45 record. Eleanor Rigby and Yellow Submarine. I was a big fan at 5 when the Beatles hit America. I saw Help! Hard Days Night and Yellow Submarine at the theater. I watched the Beatles cartoon on Saturdays. And when I got old enough, I saw George Harrison with Ravi Shankar and his orchestra and Billy Preston at the end of 1974. It was the Omni in Atlanta and it was the Dark Horse Tour. I still love the Beatles.

    Remember the Beatles Cartoon? Here is a clip from Paperback Writer Fastforward to 2:22 for the song. Gosh, makes me feel like I'm 7 again.

  • watson

    Very cool FHN! A fan thru and thru.

    The closest I came to seeing the Beatles was when I attended the Candlestick Park District Convention Of Jehovah's Witnesses the year the Beatles played their last US concert in the same park. Does that count? LOL.

    I have seen McCartney a couple of times, and Ringo's Traveling All Stars a couple of times, once with Billy Preston at the keyboards.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Watson, I loved your clip with Revolution on The Smother's Brothers show. My family watched the show faithfully. Revolution is my favorite fast song by the Beatles. I have great memories of my older brothers playing Revolution and Hey Jude, the record. They also had a dynamite little garage band with two of my best friends' brothers. They played Beatles, Credence Clearwater Revival and other things. My favorites they played were Revolution and Fortunate Son.

  • beksbks

    Oh you guys! So I made it through a post or two before I started to cry. "In My Life". Too much for me. But I do so love all of it. What I find absolutely amazing, is that in general, this is before my time, and yet my children are major fans.

    We were driving home from my mother's 80th Bday party, a little over an hour drive. Myself and HoneyBunny, my neice and her man, my two kids, and two of hers. The four kids are early 20's late teens. They demanded Abbey Road, and the whole damn car sang until we got home. It was an amazing ride.

    Ok, back to page 2.

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