Beatles Fans

by watson 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt
    You know I've always thought I was kind of weird, but I think if the White Album had been a single album, instead of a double, it would be remembered far, far better than it is. There is some really good stuff on that album. And yes, "Abbey Road" is greatness. But I've thought that their best album was "Rubber Soul". They were still on the way up, they were charged about their music, the bickering hadn't really started and the music was expanding.

    I like "Abbey Road", I really do, but there's a goodbye-feeling that kind of brings it down for me. Harrison really steps forward though on that album. Big time.

    1. There is indeed 'throwaway' material on the White Album - if judged by Beatles standards.

    2. Rubber Soul is a great album, and was just prior to Revolver. So, to get really specific, you can take some tracks from Rubber Soul and some tracks from Revolver and serve up the best representation of their creative genius. That's how I would put it.

    3. Indeed. Abbey Road is bittersweet. From the standpoint of technical and musical ability, they had reached the level of mastery. So, as I listen to Abbey Road, I cannot help but think, "If only....." This album was a glimpse into the great music the world might have heard, had they not split up and had John not been murdered. It's a Swan Song for sure, and I'm certain they even viewed it as such, when recording it. The divide growing between them, financially, emotionally, musically, was only getting larger and insurmountable. If you've seen Imagine, the film about Lennon, you've seen the heartbreaking footage of reporter asking him if the Beatles will ever get back together. He says, essentially, "Yes, one day." Argh. That cut me to the heart when I saw it the first time.

    4. Never forget the 5th Beatle, George Martin. It cannot be denied that his role was significant.

  • JimmyPage

    Thanks, Leolaia. Which one is your mom?

  • watson

    I say it's the one on the left.

  • purplesofa

    thats what i thought too, watson

  • Leolaia

    LOL yeah you guessed correctly. :)

  • Clam

    That's a great photo Leolaia. Even with the hairstyle of the girl in the middle, somehow it doesn't look dated(imo).

    I notice that most posters seem to like the later Beatles stuff. Personally I'm more into the early stuff from the mid sixties back to when they were performing a lot in Hamburg. It was so new and raw. I really like the film Backbeat. Anyone seen that? It covers the period when Stuart Sutcliffe was in the band.

    Anyway here's one I've always liked - She's a Woman. . .

  • undercover

    It's hard to name a favorite Beatle when it took the sum of all four to make the Beatles. Lennons wit and cynicism, McCartney's musical genius, Harrisons quiet spirituality and Ringo's fake clown act. But when pressed to name a favorite, I go with Lennon.

    Still some of my favorite Beatle tunes are McCartney compositions.

    My favorite album is Revolver. Not the original US release but the original release in the UK. The true genius of the band shows throughout this album. They were probably at their peak on this album.

    It's funny that Sgt. Pepper's was heralded as the most influential album of the time, but over the years people tend to name Revolver or the White Album as favorites.

    Trivia question: what was the tag number on the Volkswagon Beetle parked on the side of the road on the Abbey Road album cover? And what significance did it play in a certain rumor that was going around at the time?

  • Clam

    Undercover- Good question.

    I know it was LMW 281F - I don't know anything about the rumour though.


  • JimmyPage

    Yeah it's the "Paul is dead" rumor. The license plate was interpreted as "28 IF". That is to say, Paul would have been 28 "if" he had lived. The "LMW" was often interpreted as "Linda McCartney Widow".

    And I love the "Backbeat" movie too, Clam!

  • undercover

    Ding Ding! We have a winner!

    I used to know all the "clues" regarding the "Paul is dead" so-called mystery. From album covers to lyrics to backward lyrics. It was a hobby for ahile. I've forgotten most of them over the years. I've got a book somewhere that lists them...I'll have to dig it out and get all nostalgic...

    Never forget the 5th Beatle, George Martin. It cannot be denied that his role was significant.

    Yes, another genius in a band of geniuses...

    And they were well managed by Brian Epstein before his death. You can tell the lads kind of lost their way for a while after his death. I think in some ways they never recovered as a band though they continued to put out great music.

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